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Teaching and learning lexicon

M N O P Q R S T U V W X, Y, Z


BA (Hons)/BSc (Hons)/BEng (Hons) or Bachelors degreeis an undergraduate award, awarded following the successful completion of 360 credits, 90 of which must be at FHEQ level 6. The University also has bachelor degrees with 480 credits, 180 of which must be at FHEQ level 6.The 'B' stands for Bachelor. The 'Hons' is a shortened version of Honours. 'BEng' refers to engineering-based subjects. 'BSc' refers to science-based subjects. 'BA' refers to arts-based subjects. 

Bibliography is a listing of works used and/or considered by an author in the preparation of a work.

Blackboard is the virtual learning environment (VLE) used at The University of Manchester. Find out more about Blackboard (link leads to content on the original Teaching and learning site)

Blended Learningis an approach to teaching and learning which combines face-to-face learning sessions with learning opportunities on-line. 

Blind marking is marking without knowledge of who the author of the work is.

Blog is a regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group and that usually contains reflections or expresses personal experiences or views around a subject area.

Bologna Process is an inter-governmental process which aimed to create the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) by 2010. The overarching objectives of the process are:-( i) to create a comparable and increasingly converged system of graduate and post-graduate education across Europe, in order to maximise transferability and mobility of staff and students and (ii) to increase the international competitiveness of the European systems of Higher Education.

Borderline students / cases / classifications is the term used to describe those students who fall in the defined boundaries between classifications and could be considered for the higher classification.

Boundary Zone / Boundary / Boundaries are the defined area, between classifications where a student falling into the ‘zone’ maybe considered for the higher award if they meet the criteria as defined in the UG and PGT taught regulations.

Box of Broadcasts (BoB) is a service to find suitable TV and radio broadcasts to include in teaching. BoB enables all staff and students at the University to view and record programmes, create clips and playlists, search transcripts, and share any broadcast programmes from over 60 TV and radio channels.  The recorded programmes are then kept indefinitely and can be searched and shared by all users.