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Documents list

This page provides signposts to University policies, procedures and guidance documents, and where relevant, supplementary information provided by the Faculty of Humanities.

The sections are arranged by topics relating to teaching and learning activities and have been arranged around the student lifecycle. Within each section is a list of University documents, along with supporting Faculty of Humanities documents.

Policy Framework

In July 2010 the University introduced a Policy Framework which provides the following descriptions for Policies, Procedures, and Guidance:

  • ‘A Policy is a statement of principles that staff, students, and other applicable personnel must follow’.
  • ‘A Procedure, subsidiary to a Policy, is an official way of doing something which must be followed’.
  • ‘A Guidance Note or a Code of Practice is an advisory document that indicates a course of action that will usually be followed unless there is a good reason for not doing so. They provide protocols, practice, and guidance to ensure that staff and others can comply with specific Policies and Procedures’

Documents database

There is an online list of all documents produced by The University of Manchester, including policies, procedures, regulations, guidelines, and forms.

A full list of documents

Recruitment and admissions

Student Admissions Policy Student Admissions This Policy states The University of Manchester's position on key matters relating to recruitment, admissions and widening participation activity.
Appeals and Complaints Procedure for Applicants Student Admissions  
Applicants with a Disability (Procedure) Student Admissions, DSO Provides information about the admissions process and consideration of offer adjustments for applicants who have additional support needs resulting from a long-term medical condition, specific learning difficulty or disability.
Fee Assessment Procedure for Applicants Student Admissions, SSC  
Intellectual Property Policy University  
Admitting minors (Process) Student Admissions The University has an ‘enhanced duty of care’ to all students under the age of 18. This document outlines how the University will meet this obligation
Further information for students under the age of 18 on 1st September at the year of entry (Guidance Note) Student Admissions Guidance note for students aged under 18.
Parent consent to the Admission of students aged under 17 at entry Student Admissions The document lists the responsibilities of the parent or legal guardian until the applicant reaches the age of 18.
Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL) (Principles & Guidance) TLSO  
Dealing with Fraudulent Applications (Procedure) Student Admissions Details the process on what to do if you suspect applicant fraud.
Dealing with admissions fraud (registered students) Student Admissions Procedure for dealing with registered students when you suspect fraud in an application.
Conversion Framework for maximising UK/EU UG student recruitment UG Recruitment and Widening Participation Details conversion activities at the different stages of the application process.
Fast Track Application Scheme Humanities TLO Process for pro-actively recruiting current Undergraduate students to related Masters programmes
Loyalty bursary scheme guidance Humanities TLO Information and template through which a proposed scheme, to support undergraduate students returning to study on a postgraduate taught programme, can be reported and circulated to the Humanities Policy and Resources Committee.

Pre-arrival and induction

Induction & transitional support for students (Framework) Student Experience Office Framework encourages a 'life-cycle' approach to induction and transitional support, recognising that induction is more a process than an event and that there are a variety of 'stress points' during the student lifecycle when considered intervention may be beneficial.
Induction Framework: Themes & Good Practice Student Experience Office Building on the Framework for induction and transitional support for students, this guideline explores themes in induction and offers some examples of good practice.
Key transitions during the student lifecycle TLSO Document outlining some of the key stages of the student lifecycle, from before arriving at the University to completion of a programme of study.

Awards and scholarships

Award Outstanding Academic Achievement Awards (2021) Humanities TLSE  
  Loyalty bursary scheme guidance Humanities TLO This note sets out a framework of the factors that should be considered in designing and deciding any scheme and provides a template through which a proposed scheme can be reported and circulated.

Assessment and feedback

Assessment Assessment Framework TLSO Assessment Framework: Sets out the principles, practice, and conduct of assessment and provides information on reaching decisions from assessment.
Assessment Ethical Approval of research on human subjects in taught assessment TLSD Defines the University’s policy on the ethical approval of research on human subjects that is carried out by students as part of assessments on taught programmes.
Alternative Assessment Alternative Assessments for Study Abroad, Exchange & Erasmus students (Guidance) TLSO Guidance on the alternative assessment arrangements available for students on study abroad, exchange or Erasmus programmes
Assessment (Disabilities) Assessment for students with disabilities (Guidance) TLSO Part of the Assessment Framework
Dissertations (UG) Guidelines for Undergraduate Dissertations (v.3, October 2007) Humanities TLO Guidelines on creating a UG dissertation unit, based on practice in Humanities.
Dissertations Alternative Models for Dissertation (PGT) (v.1, February 2009) (Guidelines) Humanities TLO The purpose of this document is to initiate discussion as to how the dissertation element of a Masters programme can be remodelled to maintain the quality of the student experience and continue to produce excellent graduates from Humanities’ Masters Programmes.
Dissertations Guidelines on the Supervision of Dissertations (PGT programmes) (v.1 April 2006) Humanities TLO Guidelines setting out the expected responsibilities of the supervisor, student and School in relation to the dissertation/project element of the Masters’ degree programme.
Dissertations Presentation of Taught Masters Dissertations TLSO University Guidance for students on the presentation of Taught Masters Dissertations.
Dissertations Masters Dissertation Restriction Form Humanities TLO This form is to be used to apply a restriction on Consultation, Lending and Copying of a Dissertation for a specified period of time.
eAssessment Processes for Online Submission, Marking, Return and Archiving of Student Coursework with Turnitin/Grademark (v.3 June 2022) Humanities TLO This document outlines processes for online submission and marking with the use of Turnitin/Grademark and is intended to guide colleagues involved in the administration and delivery of assessment by coursework.
eAssessment eAssessment Downtime Guidance Humanities TLO Guidance for eAssessment service interruption or downtime
eAssessment (Turnitin) Policy on the Use of TurnitinUK via Blackboard (v.1, March 2010) Humanities TLO The University fully supports the use of TII through the University's virtual learning environment Blackboard Vista (BB). This document relates to the use of TII via BB.
eAssessment (Submission) Submitting an assignment via Turnitin - A Student Guide TLSO / Humanities TLO

Provides information for students on how to submit their work via Turnitin. It explains what Turnitin is, how to view the details of an assignment and the process of submitting work.

Ethical Approval Policy on the Ethical Approval of Research  

The Policy provides information on the ethical approval of research that is carried out as part of a taught programme. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that a consistent approach is applied when dealing with ethical approval of research in a taught programme.


Policy on Exams TLSO Assessment Framework: Policy on examinations designed to ensure that students do not obtain an unfair advantage for themselves or cause unfair disadvantage to other students.
Exams Guidance on Examination Boards TLSO Guidance regarding Examinations Boards including exam board conduct and structure, agenda and minutes (for implementation from 2015, semester I Examination Boards).
Extensions / Mitigating Circumstances Mitigating Circumstances Policy and Procedure TLSO University Policy and Procedures on mitigating circumstances, including extension requests – includes guidance for both staff and students.
Extensions / Mitigating Circumstances Mitigating Circumstances Form & Guidance for students TLSO Notification of Mitigating Circumstances form for completion by students.
Feedback Feedback to Students Policy TLSO Policy on Feedback to Undergraduate and Postgraduate Taught Students
Feedback Downloading feedback from Turnitin - A Student Guide Humanities TLO Provides guidance for students on how to view and download electronic feedback given by their tutor via Turnitin.
Group Work Group Working – Guidance on Assessed Student Group Work TLSO Provides advice regarding group work activities, whilst allowing the flexibility for Schools and Faculties to set standards consistent with best practice within their own areas.
Group Work Guidance on Group Work and Assessment (v.1, June 2012) Humanities TLO This document expands on the University Guidance in a Humanities context and signposts practical examples and resources to help support academics in the design, delivery, and assessment of group work
Intellectual Property Intellectual Property Policy University Deals with the ownership, protection, and commercialisation of intellectual property and know-how created by employees and students of the University.
Intellectual Property Students and Intellectual Policy (Guidance Note) Registrar & Secretary Guidance Note for students on Intellectual Property and who owns the rights to IP they create.
Marking Policy on Marking TLSO Assessment Framework: Details the importance of marking; professionalism in marking; anonymous marking; checking marks; explaining marks; scrutiny of marking; & marking on-line assessment
Marking Procedure for the anonymous handling of marks TLSO Assessment Framework: Outlines the principles and procedures for the anonymous handling of marks.
Submission Policy on submission of work for summative assessment on taught programmes TLSO Sets out the University's Policy on the process of submission and penalties associated with late submission.
Submission Penalty for late submission of student work  TLSO Penalty to be applied when a student submits an assignment after the published deadline.
Submission Retaining Student Work TLSO Guidelines which have been produced to complement the University’s Records Retention Schedule.
Study Abroad Framework for Credit Transfer and Grade Conversion for Study Abroad TLSO Guidance to Schools relating to the transfer of credits and the conversion of grades obtained at overseas partner universities.
Timetabling Timetabling Policy TLSO Policy on timetabling teaching activities.
Posthumous Awards Posthumous Awards guidance for UG and PGT degrees TLSO University Guidance on the award of Posthumous Undergraduate and Postgraduate Taught Degrees.
Work and Attendance Work & Attendance of Students (Regulation XX) TLSO University Regulation governing the work and attendance requirements of students.

Student support and development

Academic Advising Guidance on the role of Academic Advisor TLSO Part of the Personalised Learning Policy, this document provides guidance on the role of the Academic Advisor.
Student Support (Academic) Effective time management and avoiding procrastination Student Guidance Service University document for students.
Student Support (Academic) References about students – guidance on writing Student Support Office Guidance to Staff Providing References for Students
Student Support (Medical) Mental Health Policy (student) Student Support Office Covers the University's approach to students' mental health: support for students experiencing mental health difficulties; approach to protecting their personal information; to whom and in what circumstances we may disclose information; the limitations that exist on the support that we can provide.
Student Support (Medical) Referral of students to University Support Services (for medical or mental health reasons) - Guidance Student Support Office Guidance on dealing with students with any Medical or Mental Health Conditions.
Student Support (Medical) Referral of students to University Support Services (for medical or mental health reasons) - Form Student Support Office Referral form to be completed by staff concerned that a student's medical condition (which may include physical and/or mental health problems) is impacting on their ability to attend the course; their performance with coursework and examinations etc.
Equality and Diversity Equality and Diversity Policy Equality and Diversity Office Document outlining the University’s approach to equality and diversity.

Dignity at Work and Study

Dignity at Work and Study Policy Equality and Diversity Office Details the University’s Policy re discrimination, bullying, and harassment.
Dignity at Work and Study Dignity at Work and Study Procedures for Students Equality and Diversity Office Sets out the University’s arrangements in place to support the implementation of the Dignity at Work and Study Policy as it relates to students.
Fitness to Study Policy on Supporting Health Fitness and Return to Study The Director of Campus Life To be used by staff when a student's health, wellbeing, behaviour and/or conduct is significantly impacting on their ability to process academically and/or function at the University, and/or on other students/staff.
Fitness to Study Procedure on Support to Study The Director of Campus Life Details the ways that the University may support a student where their health, wellbeing, behaviour and/or conduct is significantly impacting on their ability to progress academically and/or function at the University.
Fitness to Study Procedure on Fitness to Study The Director of Campus Life Procedure to be followed where there are significant concerns about the health, wellbeing, behaviour and/or conduct of a student have not been resolved by the procedure on Support to Study.
Fitness to Study Procedure on Supporting Return to Study The Director of Campus Life Procedure to be followed for students suspended or excluded under the Procedure on Fitness to Study have been assessed and confirmed as fit to return to study.
Recording activities Recording of lectures by disabled students - Guidance on recording Disability Support Office The University wishes to make every effort to assist students with specific learning needs and to this end students with specific learning needs may record lectures in accordance with the procedures outlined in the Guidance.
Recording activities Recording of group learning activities by students - Guidance for Staff TLSO Guidance for staff on the recording of lectures and other group learning activities by students.
Recording activities Recording of group learning activities by students - Guidance for students TLSO Guidance for students on the recording of lectures and other group learning activities.
Programme Handbook Programme Handbook checklist TLSO Information and a checklist of items which should be included in a Programme Handbook.
  Death of a student - Guidance in the event of Student Support Office Checklist for Heads of Schools.
Student Support Policy on Supporting Health, Fitness and Return to study  Director of Campus Life To be used by staff when a student’s health, wellbeing, behaviour and/or conduct is significantly impacting on their ability to progress academically and/or function at the University, and/or on other students/staff.
Student Support Procedure on Support to Study Director of Campus Life Procedure is one of three that underpins the Policy on Supporting Health, Fitness and Return to Study.
Student Support Procedure on Fitness to Study Director of Campus Life Procedure to be used where a student’s behaviour, conduct & disruption is perceived to be of a serious or potentially serious nature.
Student Support Procedure on Supporting Return to Study Director of Campus Life Procedure to ensure all students suspended under Regulation XVII have been assessed and confirmed as fit to return to study.
Work and Attendance Work and Attendance of Students (Regulation XX) TLSO Work and Attendance of Students (Regulation XX)
Work and Attendance Monitoring student attendance & engagement with their programme of study TLSO Guidelines for the monitoring of student attendance and engagement.

Student conduct and discipline

Conduct & Discipline of Students Regulation XVII Student Support Office University Regulation regarding the Conduct and Discipline of students.

Appeals and complaints

Academic Appeals (Regulation XIX) TLSO University regulation governing the grounds and procedure for students to make an academic appeal.
Academic Appeals Form TLSO Form to be used by students in conjunction with Regulation XIX Academic Appeals.
Appeals and Complaints - Procedure for applicants SRAID Details the University’s appeals and complaints procedure for applicants.
Appeals and Complaints - Form for applicants SRAID Form for the applicant to complete for appealing or complaining about an admissions related decision.
Complaints Procedure (Student) Regulation XVIII TLSO University regulation governing the procedure for students to make complaints.
Complaints Form (student) TLSO For use by students in conjunction with Regulation XVIII Student Complaints Procedure.

Academic malpractice

Academic Malpractice: Procedure for Handling of Cases University Sets out the procedures under Regulation XVII for handling cases of academic malpractice by students and should, therefore, be read in conjunction with that Regulation.
Plagiarism and Academic Malpractice – Guidance for teaching staff University General guidance for academic staff on matters relating to plagiarism and other forms of academic malpractice
Plagiarism and Academic Malpractice – Guidance for students University Guidance for students on plagiarism and other forms of academic malpractice.
Academic Malpractice Hearings - Guidance for Schools in Humanities Humanities TLSE Guidance for Schools in Humanities on completing the Information for Academic Malpractice Hearings Form (see below)and presentation of documentation for Faculty Hearings.
Information for Academic Malpractice Hearings Form Humanities TLSE Form to be completed by Schools when referring malpractice cases to Faculty. Read the above document 'Academic Malpractice Hearings - Guidance for Schools in Humanities' prior to completing the form.
Allegation of Plagiarism Form University For reporting allegations of academic malpractice to The University’s Student Discipline Committee.
Allegations of Academic Malpractice made after Graduation in respect of work submitted for an award of the University University Deals with how to handle allegations of academic malpractice made in reference to taught programmes, after the student has graduated.
An introduction to referencing and avoiding plagiarism University University of Manchester document for students detailing what plagiarism is, when it occurs and how to avoid it.

Interruptions and withdrawals

Interruptions Principles for granting interruption to a UG or PGT programme of study TLSO Information to staff on the principles around granting interruptions to periods of study, in relation to UG and PGT students.
Interruptions Principles for granting interruption to a UG or PGT programme of study – guidance for students TLSO Guidance for students on the procedures relating to applications for interruptions to Undergraduate or Postgraduate Taught programmes of taught study
Interruptions Notification to Faculty of interruptions requests by students on taught programmes - Guidelines and Proforma (2016/17) Humanities TLO  
Interruptions A Guide to Student Access to University Facilities Student System Office Guide explaining how students gain access to various University facilities
Interruptions Dealing with retrospective interruptions Student Services Centre Document providing advice on dealing with retrospective

Programme management

See also the quality assurance pages for information on programme development and monitoring procedures

Committee management Guidelines on Committees for the Management and Oversight of Programmes Humanities TLO Guidelines on Committees for the Management and Oversight of Programmes
Joint Honours Guidelines for Joint Honours Programmes Humanities TLO Guidelines for Joint Honours Programmes
Directed Reading / Independent Study Guidelines for Directed Reading / Independent Study (PGT Programmes) (v.1, August 2005) Humanities TLO Guidelines for Directed Reading / Independent Study (PGT programmes)
Dissertations (UG) Guidelines for Undergraduate Dissertations (v.3, October 2007) Humanities TLO Guidelines on creating a UG dissertation unit, based on practice in Humanities.
Dissertations (PGT) Alternative Models for Dissertation (PGT) (v.1, February 2009) (Guidelines) Humanities TLO The purpose of this document is to initiate discussion as to how the dissertation element of a Masters programme can be remodelled to maintain the quality of the student experience and continue to produce excellent graduates from Humanities’ Masters Programmes.
eLearning Procedure to enhance the use of eLearning within a unit Humanities TLO Procedure to enhance the use of eLearning within a unit
Exclusion Excluding students for non-preparation (guidance)    
Manchester Matrix Manchester Matrix – the purposes of a Manchester UG Education TLSO Sets out the eight purposes of a Manchester Undergraduate Education.
Peer Review Faculty Peer Review Document and Form (Sept 2018) Humanities TLO Faculty Peer Review Document and Form (Sept 2018)
Personalised Learning Personalised Learning Policy TLSO Core Principles underpinning the 'Manchester Experience'. Information about personalised learning and the role of the academic adviser.
Personalised Learning Personalised Learning Policy - Faculty of Humanities Document TLSO/ Humanities TLO The Faculty has developed an annotated document which should be used as guidance in interpreting the University Personalised Learning Policy.
Placements Student placements on taught programmes - Principles and Guidance TLSO University Principles and guidance in relation to student placements as part of their taught programmes of study.
Placements - approval Guidelines on approval of student placements Humanities TLO These guidelines are for those intending to introduce a new programme to include a placement, or amend an existing programme to include a placement, whether optional or compulsory, within the UK or overseas.
Printed Course Materials Policy on Additional Costs TLSD Costs of any compulsory printing (including coursework and course material) must be met by the School
Programme Handbooks Programme Handbook checklist TLSO Information and a checklist of items which should be included in a Programme Handbook.
Recording of Lectures Policy on Recording of Lectures and other Teaching and Learning Activities TLSO The following University Policy was approved by Senate in June 2013 and relates to the automated lecture capture process put in place within the University from September 2013 in lecture theatres equipped with lecture capture equipment.
Risk Register Procedure for monitoring and reviewing teaching and learning risks Humanities TLO Procedure for monitoring and reviewing teaching and learning risks
Teaching Assistants Use of Teaching Assistants - Guidelines TLSO Guidelines on the use of Teaching Assistants.
Teaching Assistants Training and Supporting Teaching Assistants - Framework Humanities TLO Framework document, which aims to set out the responsibilities of the School, the Faculty and the University in ensuring that the quality of teaching and support provided by Humanities Teaching Assistants is of a high standard.
Use of Level 6 units at Level 7 Policy on the use of Level 6 units at level 7 Humanities TLO  
New programme proposal / programme amendment scrutiny guidance for School approval groups New Programme Proposal Programme Amendment Scrutiny Guidance for School approval Groups.docx (  Humanities TLO  

Ordinances and regulations

Degree Regulations and Guide to TLSO The University of Manchester Taught Degree Regulations and documents supporting their implementation.
Faculty Annotated Degree Regulations -Undergraduate Humanities TLO

The Faculty has produced an annotated version of the UG Degree Regulations to clarify certain points or make them more specific.

This document is for administrative purposes only.

Faculty Annotated Degree Regulations -Postgraduate Taught Humanities TLO

The Faculty has produced an annotated version of the PGT Degree Regulations to clarify certain points or make them more specific.

This document is for administrative purposes only.

Staff development

Overview of Roles and Responsibilities - T&L Director, UG Director, PGT Director Humanities TLO The Faculty has developed an overview of roles and responsibilities for its Teaching and Learning Directors, UG Directors and PGT Directors.

Strategy documents and operational plans

Manchester 2020 Planning Support Office The Strategic Plan of The University of Manchester
Humanities Strategic Plan 2020 Humanities TLO The Strategic Plan of the Faculty of Humanities