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Documents for consultation

This page contains details of current Faculty and University teaching and learning policy and procedure documents open for consultation. It provides access to consultation documents, responses and information on the Humanities approach to consultations. 

Please note: you will need to log in with your usual University of Manchester username and password to access some of the documents. 

Categories of consultation 

In July 2022 the University Teaching and Learning Strategy Implementation Group agreed the review of University policies/procedures/guidance would be categorised into one of the following:

  • Category A: those policies/procedures/guidance expected to require a substantive rewrite
  • Category B: those policies/procedures/guidance expected to need minor amendments.

Humanities approach to consultation

Documents identified for consultation by the University Teaching and Learning Delivery (TLD) team or by the Faculty Student Service, Success and Development (SSSD) team will be timetabled for discussion by the Faculty TLSE Leadership team or Humanities Teaching and Learning Committee.

The Faculty SSSD team will annotate each of the documents under consultation with initial comments and feedback, and will circulate these to specific School and Faculty TLSE roles in advance of discussion at the Faculty TLSE Leadership team or Humanities Teaching and Learning Committee.

Schools should ensure that they engage with relevant School Committees to obtain feedback to be considered by key School colleagues (where appropriate) and / or make relevant School colleagues aware of an ongoing consultation. In addition, the School should also consider any engagement with key colleagues at validated partner organisations, where appropriate.

Where it is a University level document under consultation the Faculty SSSD team will collate a Faculty response (where required) to return to the University TLD team.

Consultations 2024/25

Document University Review Cateogry  Method for collating a Faculty response

Policy on ethical approval of research on human participants in taught assessment

NB: Please note the proposed name change from ‘Policy on ethical approval of research on human subjects in taught assessment’ 

Category B - expected to need minor amendments


Documents under consultation have been circulated to key School and Faculty contacts in Humanities ahead of discussion of comments/feedback at a Faculty TLSE Leadership Team meeting in November 2024.

A collated Faculty response was sent to the central Teaching and Learning Delivery Team by the end of November 2024.

Guidance on lecture shout outs

Procedures for the Award of Posthumous and Aegrotat UG and PGT degrees                 

Peer Review of Teaching
Undergraduate Degree Regulations Category A - expected to require a substantive rewrite

October 2024 - Meeting with Faculty SSSD team and School PS colleagues to discuss the current documents/identify any areas of focus for further discussion.

December 2024 – Documents released for consultation by TLD, and subsequent circulation to School and Faculty colleagues by Faculty SSSD.

January 2025 – Discussion at Faculty TLSE Leadership team to inform/agree a Faculty collated response to be sent to TLD by 31 January 2025.

Postgraduate Taught Degree Regulations
Framework for Credit Transfer and Grade Conversion of Study Abroad


For any queries, please contact: 

Further information on consultations from the central Teaching and Learning Delivery Team.