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In accordance with the University’s Policy on Submission of work for Summative Assessment, Schools should devise their own policy on submission of work for summative assessment, incorporating the features described in the University policy.

Online submission

Since the academic year 2009/10, the Faculty’s eLearning Team have undertaken an eAssessment project focused on a managed approach to supporting Schools as they introduce or extend the take-up of online submission, marking and feedback using Turnitin and Grademark via Blackboard. Full details can be found at our eAssessment dedicated pages.

Late submission penalty 

The University's Policy on Submission of Work for Summative Assessment details the University's Penalty for Late Submission.

Extensions / mitigating circumstances

Extension to the submission date can be given to students. Provision is made in the Mitigating Circumstances Policy for such requests to be handled outside of the full mitigating circumstances procedure (see paragraph 9 of the Mitigating Circumstances Policy). Schools should publish to students the procedure for requesting an extension to the submission date.

In December 2014 the University released a Terms of Reference for Mitigating Circumstances Panelsdocument which also details potential outcomes from the Mitigating Circumstances Panel that should normally be applied to each individual student claim following appropriate consideration (i.e. coded outcomes) and is to be applied from the 2014/15 academic year onwards.

The University's central Teaching and Learning Support Office is happy to receive feedback from Schools over the course of the academic year at which will be considered over summer 2015.

A template Notification of Mitigating Circumstances Form has also been developed. Schools should highlight to students e.g. in Programme Handbooks or emails at assessment periods if an alternative form or notification method is being used.