Marking and feedback
Marking is an important process. It provides a judgment of how well students have completed an assessment task. The resulting marks are then used for feedback, for formative and summative assessment, and for decisions on progression and awards. It is important that marking yields what can be defended in suitable ways as the 'right' marks. The University has a designated Policy on Marking (directed towards summative assessment, including dissertations) which forms part of the Assessment Framework and is applicable to all taught courses
To support the Faculty policy of all students submitting and receiving feedback online, , Grademark via Turnitin is the supported mechanisms for marking and giving feedback. Full details can be found on the eAssessment pages. In addition training, drop-ins and 1:1 support is available from the eLearning team. All marking must be carried out anonymously.
Guidance on Moderation, Fairness and Consistency in Marking
There are various models of achieving fairness and consistency in marking and assessment in taught undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, with some being more rigorous than others, and more suited to specific types of assessment than others. The university has provided specific guidance outlining these models and approaches.
Applying penalties when limits for coursework are exceeded
Where a piece of assessment is submitted late, the university has provided set penalties which should be applied. These can be found at:
Full information on the application of penalties for late submission of summative assessment can be found on the Teaching and Learning Delivery webpages
The Faculty has produced the following documents which identify and recommend good practice on providing feedback to students and supporting their understanding of the ways in which feedback can drive their learning:-
- Feedback to students annotated policy
- Giving effective feedback to students style 1
- Giving effective feedback to students style 2
- Giving effective feedback to students style 3
Further information can be found at