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Student complaints

As part of its commitment to ensuring the standard and quality of its programmes of study, services, and facilities, and a collegial University environment, the University has a Procedure for dealing with complaints from students.

Below are links to the Student Complaints Procedure, the form and guide to student complaints and the process followed:

There are essentially three stages to the Student Complaints Procedure: Informal, Formal and Review.

The student complaints process

The student complaints process

The Procedure is designed for complaints in respect of the student’s experience at the University related to:

  1. The provision of programmes, or parts of programmes of study, services or facilities by the University.
  2. The actions or lack of actions by the University or its staff.

The complaints procedure has two stages, Stage one (local / School level resolution stage) and Stage two (formal / Faculty level resolution stage).

Complaints, both informal and formal, should be made as soon as possible, and in any case within 40 working days of the events or actions (or lack of actions) which have prompted the complaint.

Stage one – School level consideration

Stage one – School level consideration

Many complaints can be resolved informally and, where practicable, a complaint should be dealt with as close as possible to the point at which it arises.

In the first instance, students should submit their complaint to the appropriate individual(s) who seems best placed to respond (e.g. Academic Adviser, Personal Tutor, Programme Director, Supervisor, PGR Director, Head of School, Adviser or Tutor in the Hall of Residence, local service provider, or a Professional Support Service Head of the office).

Where a complainant alleges harassment, bullying, discrimination and / or victimisation, the Policy on Dignity at Work and Study, Staff and Student Informal Procedure should be followed. This procedure provides information on sources of support and advice.


Students should submit a Stage 1 complaint within 40 working days of the issue which prompted the complaint.

A decision on the Stage 1 appeal should be communicated within 30 working days.

Stage two – Faculty level consideration

Stage two – Faculty level consideration

If a student is not satisfied with the response at Stage 1, they may initiate Stage 2 of the process by completing a complaints form and submitting it to:


Students should submit a Stage 2 complaint within 20 working days of the Stage 1 decision.

A decision on the Stage 2 appeal should be communicated within 30 working days.

Review stage - Teaching and Learning Delivery team

Review stage - Teaching and Learning Delivery team

If a student feels that the outcome from the Faculty is unreasonable they have the right to request a review, and may do so by completing the review request form and submitting it to


Students should submit a review request within 10 working days of the Stage 2 decision.



Once a student has completed the internal process the University issues them with a Completion of Procedures letter.

Students who believe that their case has not been dealt with properly by the University or that the outcome is unreasonable may be able to complain to the Office of the Independent Adjudicator (OIA) for Higher education, providing that the complaint they take to the OIA is eligible under its Rules. The OIA will consider cases only when the University's own internal appeal procedures have been exhausted.

Read more about the OIA's remit.


Students have 1 year from the date of their Completion of Procedures letter to submit a complaint to the OIA.



Schools can request template complaint decision letters by contacting the Humanities ACD team: