On request staff development
Group sessions
The Humanities eLearning team can offer more specialist staff development sessions for specific groups by arrangement. This can be in various formats, for example:
- Standard training session
- Facilitated workshop, whereby eLearning staff support School/discipline staff in delivering a session around online teaching methods
- Demonstration of tools or design considerations in Bb9
- Presentation of existing practice in using the online environment, supported by eLearning staff
- Facilitated discussion on policies, procedures, local approaches
- A mixture of some of the above
Please get in touch to discuss what you would like to do. Note that we will need at least three weeks notice for such a session. Contact the eLearning team via the eLearning Support Page and mention 'Group Development Request'.
1:1 sessions
We can also offer 1:1 sessions for staff on specific aspects of course development, subject to availability. These sessions are not intended as training sessions, staff are expected to be familiar with Bb9 and the basics of any particular tool or function of Bb9 they wish to use. The kinds of things we might expect to cover in these sessions are:
- Taking a learning outcome as the starting point, and discussing what options might be best suited to achieve that;
- Building on existing use of tools in your Bb9 course and exploring them in more depth;
- Working to resolve an issue with or improve the method of delivery of your learning material;
- Review of your course, see course review page for more information.
Contact the eLearning team via the eLearning Support Page and mention '1:1 Development Request' with some details about what you would like to cover in the session.
Here are some examples of subjects which might form the basis of our discussions:
- Audio and video in teaching and learning sessions
- Interactive design
- Communication and collaboration
- Podcasting lectures
- Structuring and sign-posting in Bb9
- Using external resources
- Giving feedback