Our Services
Log a ticket via the Support Centre
To report issues or request help with Blackboard, Turnitin or other supported eLearning tools, please log a ticket via Connect.
We monitor tickets Mon-Fri 9am-5pm.
Please refrain from emailing eLearning as your message will be held in a queue with Frontline IT. The link above is the quickest way to log a ticket with the Humanities eLearning Team.
Curriculum Design Consultations
The Humanities Learning Design team can support you in refining, designing and developing new and existing programmes, course units, learning activities and assessments.
We are embedded in Humanities eLearning to ensure effective support for integrating learning technologies into your design.
Exam Support
We support PS staff in the deployment of exams, and can provide on-campus support during exam periods.
Online Drop-In (closing 11th December)
Drop-in is closing on the 11th of December.
Please use the “Log a ticket via the Support Centre” option above. A Canvas-specific drop-in will be available in Semester 2, with details to follow.