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Turnitin LTI Integration

A new integration of Turnitin LTI was put in place during the academic year 2021-22, which made changes to the inter-operability of Turnitin and Blackboard. 

LTI (learning tools interoperability) is an open standard used by all of the major learning and assessment platforms to make it easier to integrate products with other eLearning tools.


What’s new and what does this mean?

There are no changes to the way that assignment submissions are marked or in the way that feedback is delivered. The document viewer interface remains the same as before.

There are some changes and improvements to the following :


Assessment teams have already been made aware of these changes and are now able to set up assignment inboxes as before, with the new LTI integration.

All guidance documents are currently in the process of being updated to reflect these changes and improvements. These are available on the guides area.

In the meantime, please contact your eLearning Team if you require any specific guidance for markers, admin or students.


The changes in more detail

How do I access the assignment inbox to start marking?

Navigate to the Assessment & Feedback Content Area in the left hand menu and locate the relevant submission inbox. You will not see the Turnitin icon as before, the assignment inbox in the new Turnitin integration is accessed via a web link.  Watch this short video for a demonstration:

(Click here to load video in a separate window)


What about students’ assignments from previous years?

During 2021-22, the new LTI was running concurrently with the old version of Turnitin allowing time for student submissions to be archived by PS teams. The old version was switched off in September 2022.


Student notifications of submission

In the new LTI, students will no longer receive an automatic email notification of their submission. Once an assignment has been submitted, students are prompted to download their submission receipt. If this is not done at the time of submission, they can return to the submission inbox at any time and click the ‘download digital receipt icon’.

Click the Download Digital Receipt link


Important Notice regarding anonymity – in the new LTI, there is an option to reveal author’s identity. Please be aware that once the author’s name has been revealed, this CANNOT be changed back.