Student Guides
For student guides visit our Student Support pages.
PS / Admin Staff Guides
Full assessment processes guidance
Academic Staff Guides
PS / Admin Staff Guides
Pre-Submission (PS Staff)
How to set up a Turnitin assignment
September 2021 version (LTI). Covers UoM recommended settings when creating a Turnitin inbox.
Useful Guidance for PS Admin Teams
How to submit on behalf of a student
Please see screencast. (Click here to open video in new window)
How to check for non-submissions (Submission list)
Please see screencast. (Click here to open video in new window).
How to generate a list of non-submitters (use Bb ‘View Mark History’ to include student ID)
Please see screencast. (Click here to open video in new window)
Identifying Late Submissions Before Feedback Release Date
Please see screencast. (Click here to open video in new window)
Contacting non-submitters
Please see screencast. (Click here to open video in new window)
Turnitin : How to Download Documents
This guide explains how you can download documents, bulk submissions file, digital receipts etc.
Preserving Anonymous Marking in Turnitin (Tii): Do Not Change Post Date of Existing Assignments
- For guidance on preserving anonymous marking, please refer to the ‘full assessment processes’ document.
How to withhold student grades in Blackboard for later release
This guide provides information on how you can hide grades and feedback on assessments and assignments completed online in Blackboard so that you can release them to students at a later date.
How to download a Grade report from Turnitin
Please see screencast. (Click here to open video in new window)
How to Extract Grades and Create a De-anonymised Mark Sheet (PS Staff)
Please refer to the ‘full assessment processes’ document.
How to archive marked assignments from Feedback Studio
- For guidance on archiving, please refer to the ‘full assessment processes’ document.
Moderation and External Examiner Review
Academic Staff Guides
Marking and feedback with Feedback Studio
Accessing Student Submissions to Begin Marking
See this screencast for a demonstration of how to access submissions:
Online Marking and Feedback with Feedback Studio
How to use the features available in Feedback Studio on Turnitin to mark online.
How to View & Mark Turnitin Assignments by Group
This document explains how to access and mark Turnitin assignments by group.
For a demonstration, see this screencast:
Providing Online Feedback for Coursework without File Submission
- Providing Online Feedback for Coursework without File Submission: Options for online marking when you do not require a file submission i.e. unrecorded live performances.
Voice comments for Feedback
This guide explains how to leave voice comments, in addition to written feedback.
Adding a Voice Comment
Adding and managing Quickmarks
Adding a QuickMark
Create a QuickMark set
Share a QuickMark set
Tips for marking online with Turnitin
This guide outlines a number of recommendations and tips for Turnitin/Feedback Studio users.
Using Turnitin App on iPad
- Note the Tii App only runs on Apple devices iPad or iPad mini. You can download the app free of charge from the Apple Store. Full details of how to download and use the app are available from the Knowledge Base article Using the Turnitin app on iPad/iPad Mini (STAFF) (link to follow) from where you can download instructions for Offline Marking with the Turnitin for iPad App Remember to secure your device before you download the app to make sure you are following the University’s mobile policy. It is your responsibility to do this.
How to download and mark assignments offline
This guide explains how you can download documents, bulk submissions file, digital receipts etc.
Managing Alternative Submissions
Alternative Grading Possibilities
Alternative options for online marking when you do not require a file submission i.e. unrecorded live performances.
Turnitin, VoiceThread and Blackboard Assignment Tool compared
Which Submission Tool?
Although Turnitin Feedback Studio is the Faculty's preferred method of online submission, it may be necessary on occasions to use either the Blackboard Assignment tool or VoiceThread.
The Blackboard Assignment tool allows students to submit work electronically and for tutors to mark and return assignments online. Unlike Turnitin, the Blackboard Assignment Tool and VoiceThread do not automatically check students' work for plagiarism.
If you have specific questions regarding group submissions, submission of video files and file sizes, please get in touch with your eLearning Team. Further information on Assessment Design here.
Managing Group Submissions with Blackboard Assignment Tool
NOTE : for group assignment submissions, one nominated student should submit on behalf of their group. All group members are visible in the submission (unless anonymous marking has been enabled) and marks are pulled through to the Grade Centre for each student.
Managing Video Submissions
NOTE : for group assignment submissions, one nominated student should submit on behalf of their group. All group members are visible in the submission (unless anonymous marking has been enabled) and marks are pulled through to the Grade Centre for each student.
- Student Video Assignments Using Video Portal and Blackboard Assignments (embed method)
- Student Video Assignments Using Video Portal and Blackboard Assignments (URL method)
- How to download student audio and video from bb assignment
Student Guide: Submitting files to a Blackboard Assignment
This guide shows students how to submit a Blackboard Assignment that requires files to be included.
NOTE: Do not upload video files directly to Blackboard Assignments. A separate guide exists for students submitting videos.
Managing Submissions with Multiple Markers with the Blackboard Assignment Tool
For submissions in Blackboard assignments, it is possible to use groups
- Bb Assignment - Managing submissions with multiple markers (video only - no audio commentry)
- Very useful guide on the FSE website Covers setting up multiple markers, and reconciling marks in bulk and adding overall feedback.
- Delegated grading information on Blackboard website includes short videos, and what the student sees when there is multiple feedback from markers.
Permanent Paper Deletion
The self-service process
Turnitin have changed the process for permanent paper deletion requests from a manual email-based process to a new self-service process.
How does the new process work?
- Requests for permanent paper deletions can now be made by Instructors* directly from the Turnitin inbox.
- These requests are sent to a Deletion Requests inbox within the Turnitin administrators account for approval or rejection. Access to this account sits with the VLE & Mobile team.
- When Administrators approve a request, the selected paper is removed from the similarity database and moved into a 30-day holding area awaiting permanent deletion. During this 30-day period it can be recovered if needed.
- To request the recovery of a mistakenly deleted paper within the 30-day holding period, please raise a request via the support portal to the VLE & Mobile Team.
- After the 30-day period has elapsed, the paper is automatically and permanently deleted and cannot be recovered.
* Instructor roles which can access Turnitin inboxes. These are all instructor roles apart from Administrator and External Examiner. eLearning staff with ELSS/ELSS+ roles who have Quick Enrolled can also submit these deletion requests.
How will paper deletion requests be approved?
By default, the VLE & Mobile team will always approve self-service deletion requests without confirming with end users. The 30-day grace during which papers are removed from the similarity database but are awaiting permanent deletion affords us a safety net should a deletion request be raised in error.
Please also see Turnitin’s own documentation about this feature at:
Request permanent deletion
All Instructor type roles, apart from Administrator and External Examiner, can access Turnitin assignments and perform a “Request permanent deletion” action.
To make a request, the Options for the submission must be selected. When self-service permanent deletion is enabled for the Turnitin account, users see an additional option to request a permanent deletion.
Selecting the Request permanent deletion option leads to further confirmation dialogs.
In the second dialog, the instructor must give a reason for the deletion request.
If “Other” is selected, a free text box is revealed where a custom “reason for deletion” can be given for the Turnitin admin user to read.
At time of writing there is a bug where the message given in the free text box for “Other” is not displayed in the Turnitin administrators’ area (only the text “Other” is displayed to the admin). We have raised this with Turnitin and are awaiting a response.
Finally, the instructor must explicitly type DELETE into a text field to confirm their action and proceed.
Submissions confirmed by the instructor for deletion are marked with a special icon in the inbox listing. Make sure this icon appears to confirm your deletion request – navigating away too quickly may result in your deletion request NOT being sent at all.
Finally, to request the recovery of a mistakenly deleted paper within the 30-day holding period, please raise a request via the support portal to the VLE & Mobile Team.
Peer Assessment using Tii PeerMark
Section coming soon...