A list of frequently asked questions and their answers
Academic FAQs
Can students submit more than one file to a Turnitin assignment?
No. If you need your students to submit more than one file you will need to create as many Turnitin inboxes as submission files.
Some of my students are missing from the Turnitin inbox list?
Press ‘Refresh inbox data’ button in Tii inbox. This will synchronise your student list from Blackboard with the student list in the Turnitin inbox. This needs to be done in case students are added/dropped from the course after the creation of the Turnitin inbox. You can press the ‘Refresh inbox data’ button at any time after creating the inbox. Please note that even if your roster has not been synced students will still be able to submit.
Do students get a receipt after submitting to Turnitin?
Students get an on-screen confirmation of work being submitted and a digital receipt after submitting to Turnitin. Staff are also able to view and download a student's digital receipt.
Turnitin reports Error 423
If you get a message similar to this ...
Error: 423 Turnitin encountered an error while trying to automatically update your user information. It appears that your Blackboard email address has changed, and when trying to update the corresponding user profile in Turnitin, it was discovered that email address already belonged to another user. Please update your email address in your Blackboard user profile to a different email address.
It means that Turnitin has found that you have an account on submit.ac.uk and also one on Turnitin via Blackboard. The problem is resolved by merging the accounts. Contact your eLearning Team via eLearning Support so that a request can be sent to iParadigms to merge the acccount.
How do I access the assignment inbox in the new LTI to start marking?
Navigate to the relevant content area in the left hand menu. Locate the submission inbox. You will not see the Turnitin icon as before, the assignment inbox in the new Turnitin integration is accessed via a web link.
Clicking the web link will take you to the assignment inbox, which will display something similar to the image below.
See also this screencast:
Turnitin Settings (FAO Professional Services)
Which role do I need in Campus Solutions or Blackboard to mark Turnitin/Grademark work?
All roles in Campus Solutions, apart from 'External Examiner', provide marking/editing rights in Turnitin/Grademark.
Should I allow for ‘late submissions’ in Turnitin?
The recommended settings for a Tii assignment is to always allow for late submissions. If you choose NOT to allow for late submissions, the students will not be able to submit their coursework after the due date. There can be legitimate reasons why students may submit their work after the due date (such as mitigating circumstances).
Turnitin will alert you of any work submitted after due date: the student submission will appear under the date column in red font marked ‘late’. If you choose the wrong setting (i.e. you chose not to allow for late submissions) you may have to submit the student assignment on behalf of your student where mitigating circumstances apply.
Can students resubmit their work, if they uploaded the wrong document?
Yes, if the correct settings are chosen when setting up an inbox. Under Generate an Originality Report, you can choose to either:
- generate the originality report ‘on due date’ - Tii will generate the originality report precisely on due date.
- generate the originality report ‘immediately, can overwrite reports until due date’
We strongly recommended you use the ‘on due date’ option as students can re-submit as often as needed until the due date deadline without generating spurious reports.
The resubmit button does NOT appear if the ‘immediately, first report is final’ setting is used; only one report is generated at the time of submission. With this setting students cannot resubmit at all even if late submissions are allowed.
Should I allow students with an extension to submit their coursework in the same inbox as the main inbox?
No, if you allow students to submit in the same inbox you will effectively:
- be giving yourself less time to mark these submissions
- may risk compromising anonymous marking (submissions are de-anonimysed on post date).
For those students who have obtained an extension, either you or your admin team will need to create a new Tunrnitin assignment inbox that will give you a new set of 15 working days to mark. You will also need to hide the original submission box to prevent students with extensions from submitting to both inboxes. If the resubmission setting has not been selected, then the system will not allow the students to submit work after the ‘due date’ deadline has passed.
Why should the post date NOT be changed after a Turnitin assignment has been set up?
If administrators or academic staff change an existing post date to the present date (for any reason), assignments are de-anonymised and cannot be re-anonymised. In order to conform with the University's policy on assessment, anonymous marking should be preserved and prioritised.
Furthermore, changes to the post date are likely to make grades temporarily unavailable. Unlike the irreversible effect on anonymity, the temporary unavailability of grades can be resolved by synchronising grades (using the 'Sync grades' button next to the affected assignment in the TurnitinUK Assignments list).
Are there circumstances when changes to the post date do not have an irreversible impact on anonymity?
Yes. It is possible to change the post date without affecting the anonymity of submitted assignments in the following circumstances:
- when the original post date set has not yet been reached.
- when the new post date to be set is in the future - i.e. do not attempt to 'temporarily' set the post date to the present date.
However, while anonymity will not be affected in the above circumstances, bear in mind that any changes to the post date are likely to have a temporary effect on the availability of marks. This can be resolved by synchronising grades (using the 'Sync grades' button next to the affected assignment in the TurnitinUK Assignments list).
I need to move the post date further into the future because I need more time for marking or an error was made when setting up the assignment.
If the original post date has not yet been reached
If the current post date has not yet been reached and you need to move the post date into the future, you can do so with no effect on the anonymity of the inbox. However, it is likely that on the new post date the grades will be temporarily unavailable. If this occurs, click on the 'Sync Grades' button to re-synchronise (In Blackboard go to Control Panel > Course Tools > TurnitinUK Assignments)
If the original post date has already been reached
If the original post date has already been reached, the inbox will have become de-anonymised and return to anonymity is no longer possible. In this case you will need to do the following (until marking is completed):
- hide the assignment or the area where the Turnitin assignment sits.
- hide the 'My Grades' link in the main menu
- hide the Grade Centre column corresponding to the assignment, ensuring also that external grade column does not display an accumulated total
For more details on how to hide assignments and grades until they are ready for release, refer to the Blackboard help page on controlling when students can see their feedback.
I need to move the post date to the present to check who has not submitted
Do NOT alter the post date of a Turnitin assignment once it has been set up and released to students.
Alteration to the post date can cause previously anonymous scripts to become identified by student name and for grades to be released to students before the correct release date. If you need to identify non submitters get in touch with eLearning Support for advice on how to temporarily view non submitters.
My Turnitin Assignment Shows as ‘Read Only’ (Staff)
You may have tried to access a Turnitin Assignment in order to provide feedback or grade a submission. However, you are prevented from doing so since the class has apparently expired and is currently ‘read only’.