Request Account
Fill in the form
To request a PointSolutions account, please fill in the form at:
You will then receive an email from Turning Technologies inviting you to activate your account and set a password. This email won't arrive immediately; it generally takes up to two working days, although at busy times it may potentially take a little longer. As such, we advise that if you plan on using the software on a certain date, try to request your account with plenty of time to spare.
Choose a secure password
When activating your account we strongly recommend that you do NOT use your University password, and that you follow the UoM password policy which states that passwords must:
- have a minimum length of 10 characters and a maximum of 16 characters
- be case sensitive
- include a mixture of alphabetic (a-Z, upper and lowercase), numeric (0-9) and special characters from the range: ! @ # $ % ^ & + = / > [ ] . , _ -
Now what?
That's up to you. Once you have finished activating your account you will then be taken to your instructor dashboard at If you're looking to make use of PointSolutions Web, the stripped down browser polling system, then it's there - have at it! But a lot of you will be looking for the traditional desktop software with its comprehensive PowerPoint integration. And for that, you'll need to install the software.