Padlet FAQs
Please see the list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
University licence and Account set up
When a University licence is allocated to me will my existing free account and existing Padlets be preserved?
If you have a Padlet account that uses your University email, your vanilla account and your University account will sit side by side. Your prior Padlets will be retained and if you like to import them into your University account you will be able to do so when you set up your University account.
See Padlet Account set up guide If you have a Padlet account that uses any other mail, your prior account will be unaffected and sit totally separate from your university account.
Will the university licence give me access to more functionalities?
The free version of Padlet allows you to create a maximum of 3 Padlets. The University licence (School Backpack) allows you to create an unlimited number of Padlets.
The University licence allows you also to share Padlets within the institution and collaborate with colleagues more easily.
Do students get a Padlet account? May I allocate a Padlet licence to a student?
No. In the current pilot phase only staff will be allocated a Padlet licence. Please do not use the Manage People function in Padlet to grant a University licence to your students.
Do students need a Padlet account to participate in a Padlet?
No they don’t. So long as you (as the owner of the Padlet) give the right permissions (share the Padlet with appropriate read/write/edit access) your students will not need to create an account with Padlet nor install any software.
May I allocate a Padlet licence to a colleague?
Please do not use the Manage People function in Padlet to grant a licence to colleagues yourself, but refer them to Padlet Licence Request form so that we can keep track of demand and update the number of licences needed if necessary. Anyone not enrolled through this authorised route is at risk of having their licence removed.
How do I login to my Padlet account on my mobile device?
You can use Padlet in your mobile device.
In the App login screen, click on ‘Backpack user’ – this is the type of licence that we have at Manchester. When asked for the domain, enter
Finally login using your IT username and password.
A licence has been allocated to my University account but I did not receive the welcome email from Padlet to login to my Padlet account?
The welcome email that Padlet sends you (once a licence is allocated to you) provides you with two essential bits of information (1) the URL where your padlets will sit: and (2) your account password.
If a licence has been allocated to you but you do not receive the welcome email or delete it by mistake, it will suffice to go the Manchester’s login page and retrieve your Password by clicking on ‘Forgot Password’ (see screenshot below).
Note that for Padlet to recognise you as the legitimate user you will need to enter your university email.
Once Padlet has sent you a new password, come back to the University login page ( and use always your University username to login to your University account.
Can I import my padlets in my free account at any point in time?
Yes you can. If you used your University email in your free Padlet account you will be able to use the Import command from the main menu (as shown).
Padlet Settings
How do I give access to padlet to my students or a wider audience?
The share menu on the top right hand side of the screen is where you control access from other individuals to your Padlet.
- If you like your Padlet to be only visible by you: choose Private.
- If you like your Padlet to be only visible to you and a few people you can invite by email: choose Private an Add Members emails.
- If you like your Padlet to be hidden from the wider public but accessible through a password: choose Password. You will need to provide your student with a password and they will be required to enter this password to access your Padlet. You can then choose whether to give your visitors either read/write or full editing rights.
- If you like your Padlet to be open to colleagues across the institution: choose Organization wide. Note however that your Padlet can only be viewed by people who also have an account within that organization, not necessarily all the staff at Manchester.
- If you like to keep your Padlet open but not findable by search engines: choose Secret. The "Secret" option makes your Padlet accessible via a web link. What means is that anyone with the link will be able to view your Padlet but it will remain semi-private so as long as you or your students do not post the link publicly.
Finally, select what rights you like to give you your visitors (Read, Write or Edit). - If you like your Padlet to be open to the world choose Public. Your padlet can show up in Google searches and can be features in Padlet’s homepage.
I seem to be able to see padlets from other colleagues?
If you see padlets from other colleagues is because these padlets have been shared by their owners organisation-wide or other.
If you would like to only see your own padlets, click on the Made tab on the left of the screen (see below). You will then see a screen with only the padlets created by you.
How can I make students postings in my padlet not anonymous?
Within the current University licence, student postings are anonymous by default.
Our recommendation (workaround) is to ask students to enter their name as the title of their posts.
Are my Padlets private?
On our current University licence (School Backpack) all newly created padlets are by default Private.
A private Padlet is not viewable to anyone except its creator or the people its creator has explicitly invited as contributors.
You can change the default privacy of all newly created Padlets in your overall account settings.
Can I embed my Padlets in Blackboard (Bb)?
Yes you can, and it is easy to do too.
If you like your Padlet to appear within your teaching materials the simplest option is to embed your Padlet within a Bb item:
- Click on the Share icon in Padlet and find the option ‘Embed in your blog or your website’.
- Copy the code.
- Go to Bb and create an item in the page where you like the Padlet to appear.
- Give your item and name and in the item text find the HTML bottom to display the code view.
- Paste the code from Padlet, update and submit.
Other possible options to make your Padlet available within Bb are using web links or menu links.
Should I use the org wide option when sharing my Padlet board?
You can use this option. But please be aware that if you use the org wide option to share your Padlet boards, these boards, and any student comments on them, are then visible to other UoM Padlet users and can also be added to or edited by such users if you have chosen to allow writing or editing.
If you do not want others to view your Padlet board and student comments, please choose the secret or password option when sharing your Padlet board.
At the moment, UoM Padlet accounts are normally only assigned to members of staff.
Student Padlet Licences
What difference does it make for students to have their own Padlet licence?
If students have their own Padlet accounts, they can not only use padlet boards you share with them, but they can also use padlet themselves as a study tool or create padlets to use for assignments. They can make unlimited padlet boards just like you.
When they contribute to your boards, their name will appear above their post, unless you have turned attribution off.
Please bear in mind that even if you turn off attribution, comments on posts will still show the student names if they are logged in. This is something that we have highlighted as an issue to padlet.
How can I use padlet anonymously if students have padlet accounts?
To use padlet completely anonymously, students can follow the link to your padlet board in an incognito browser.
Can students access details of other students and staff when they log into Padlet?
No. While those with teacher roles in Padlet can view all other padlet user account details, those with student accounts cannot.
They can, however, view student names, posts and comments where other staff have shared padlet board with the organisation.
Can students view padlets belonging to other users?
They can view any padlets which have been shared with the organisation. And they will also be able to view posts on these padlets and even add to them if the ‘Can Write’ option is selected under Visitor permissions.
As a result, if you would like to keep your padlet visible to only your students, please choose the secret share option. We would recommend you select this share option as default unless you have made it clear to your students that students from other courses will be able to view their posts.