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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

In which scenarios I could use Teams in my teaching?

Teams allows you to facilitate:

  • Synchronous teaching – for small and large live teaching, webinars, demonstrations, using a variety of features: screen-sharing, collaboration and interaction and further engagement options
  • Asynchronous teaching - recording ability and embed the video recordings in your Blackboard course, thus freeing up seminar and tutorial hours for more activity-based learning and advanced discussion live.
  • Office hours - holding online meetings with students
  • Academic advising – conducting live online sessions with students with the capability to utilise all the interactive and collaborative functions

How many students can attend a Team meeting?

Up to 300 students can attend a Teams meeting. These can be a mixture of people within your organisation or external guests (when enabled).

View-only allows up to 10,000 listen-only participants to join a meeting.

Limits for chats and meetings are periodically updated. Click to access the latest information on the Limits and specifications for Teams.

How many cameras can be active during the meeting?

You have up to 49 camera feeds in Together mode. You need to switch to Together mode or Large Gallery.


Is Teams better than Zoom?

One advantage of using Teams over standard web conferencing tools such as Zoom is that Team allows for collaboration before, during and after a meeting.

NB: Teams will not replace Zoom, although it is the University's preferred method for meetings with internal colleagues as it facilitates collaboration and document sharing. Zoom remains available and is supported by Media Services.

What collaboration options available to use in my classroom?

You have several tools to use such as Whiteboard, channels for group work, collaborating using documents, collaboration space in class NoteBook, all depends on your teaching and learning activities.

How can I monitor students’ engagement in Teams?

In Class Teams, the Analytics function and the Insight app would provide data about digital engagement which include students activities and conversation.

What do I need to consider before requesting?

Pedagogy - think about the intended learning outcomes and the learning design of your course before requesting and/or using Teams.

If you need further advice, please speak with a specialist team member of the eLearning team.

How do I add students to MS Teams?

There are several options:

How can I troubleshoot MS Teams?

You can use the help icon in the bottom left corner of the application or visit the Microsoft Troubleshooting website. This page contains the most up to date information and advice. 

The M365 Help and Support site above also shows you how to find your local Digital Champion who can help you with specific queries about M365 applications and their use.

 If you cannot resolve your problem using this resource and are having technical issues with Teams, you can contact the IT Support Centre. 

How do I request Guest Access to a Teams space?

Before requesting Guest Access, please familiarise yourself with the information on Teams Owner Responsibilities

Request Guest access through ServiceNow.


How do I request the ability to create private channels in Teams?

Private channels can be used to create a simple boundary between different groups of members in the same team for chat and file sharing, but care must be taken in setting up and maintaining private channels. Further information on private channels can be found on Sharepoint.