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Request Account

The University has purchased a site licence for Mentimeter for the academic year 2022-23. Any members of UoM Staff and Students can sign up and access a full featured licence by following the information below.


1. Go to and select Sign up in the top right hand corner of the page.

Image showing sign-up button.

2. On the next page select Sign up with SSO located right at the bottom.

image showing login box

3. On the next page enter ‘University of Manchester’ as the organisation/institution name. Then click ‘Continue’.

single sign on form

4. You will then be directed to the normal University login page. Login in with your normal username and password.

University log in

5.  Once logged in you will be directed back to the Mentimeter site where you can start building your presentations.

Mentimeter screen

6. To log back into Mentimeter go to: and then click on Log in with SSO at the bottom and once again in the next screen enter ‘University of Manchester’ as the organisation/institution name as you did for signup, then click ‘Continue’.

Log in with SSO