What is Cadmus?
Cadmus is a secure online assessment platform accessed through Blackboard.
It facilitates the whole assessment cycle from assessment design through to release of Grades and Feedback as well as providing insights into student engagement with an assignment over time.
Cadmus works as a ‘wraparound’ to Turnitin, meaning that there is no change for the marker - marking is still done via Turnitin Feedback Studio in the same way as for a standard Turnitin assignment.
You can watch more "Getting Started" videos via the Cadmus website.
What are the benefits of using Cadmus?
Cadmus integrates with Blackboard and Turnitin and can provide pedagogical benefits in the following ways:
- supports Assessment for Learning with staged, scaffolded assessment
- supports authentic assessment design with templates
- provides a drafting facility to deliver feedback before the due date
- generates student activity reports for whole cohorts. 'Insights' allows tracking of an assessment in progress - providing statistics on how many students have started, finished, already been graded and so on.
- supports students as they develop academic skills and provides detail where there is a concern about academic integrity.
Cadmus produced a Cadmus Usage and Outcomes report on the University's Cadmus pilot during the 2024/25 academic year. The report includes an overview of usage and summaries of student feedback.
Cadmus, Academic Integrity and Supporting Students
Cadmus can be used to support students as they develop academic skills and provides detail where there is a concern about academic integrity.
Cadmus provides analytics from the moment the assessment goes live, not just at the time of submission. As such, this process can be used for all sorts of groups of students - students who haven't accessed Cadmus, started writing, viewed feedback etc, giving staff the means to be proactive in supporting students.
Watch the videos below to see how: