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Academic FAQs

How do I mark an assignment in Cadmus?

Cadmus works as a ‘wraparound’ to Turnitin, which means there will be no change for the marker. Marking is done through Turnitin Feedback Studio as before. Marks are entered into the Feedback Studio document viewer and are pulled through to Cadmus and Blackboard Grade Centre, but as with marks in a standard Turnitin submission, they are not released to students until the Feedback Release Date.

For more information on marking watch:

Marking with Turnitin + Cadmus

What about submissions with multiple markers?

Marking groups can be set up to make the marking and moderation process smoother. Marking groups can be created manually, or by using a CSV file of groups exported from the Blackboard course. 

To filter submission by marking group visit the Marking area, click Marking Group, and select the required group. The same applies in the Drafts area if the draft function is enabled. 

Shows the 'marking' tab which is 4th along the tab menu, underneath this the 'Marking group' drop-down which is the first of five drop-down menus.

For more information on marking watch:

Marking with Turnitin + Cadmus

Can I use Cadmus for formative as well as summative assessment?

Cadmus provides a drafting facility so that students can receive feedback before the due date. Activity reports can also be used formatively to support conversations with students while they are developing their academic skills.

For more information on drafting watch:

Drafting in Cadmus

Can Cadmus accommodate an assignment with multiple components?

Yes, it can. Grading forms and rubrics can be used with Cadmus in the same way as with a standard Turnitin submission and can be used to show students clearly how they have performed on each component/question. This has already been used successfully in a small UoM Cadmus pilot.

What help is available to students?

Cadmus provides help to students via the Cadmus Support icon in the bottom right corner of every Cadmus page.  

Help icon

The Cadmus Help Docs website has a section for students containing an introduction, working in Cadmus, submitting, grades and feedback, drafts, and FAQs. 


In addition, the Humanities eLearning Team has created a PDF with some of the frequently asked questions from students. Tutors are welcome to add this to their Blackboard course, or even as a resource inside the Cadmus assignment.  

PS Staff FAQs

How do I add a Cadmus assignment to Blackboard?

The Humanities eLearning Team has created a guide for PS staff to walk them through the process of adding a Cadmus assignment to a Blackboard course. It sets out all of the steps, and explains what each setting means.  

How does Cadmus integrate with Blackboard ?

Cadmus works as a wraparound to Turnitin meaning that there is no change for the marker - marking is still done via Turnitin Feedback Studio in the same way as a standard Turnitin assignment. The marks will pull through to Blackboard Grade Centre automatically as you grade, so it is recommended, as with Turnitin assignments, to hide the Grade Centre column.

Can students submit an image file?

Assignments are written directly into the Cadmus workspace in the student environment. Students have the option to format the text and also insert images that have been created outside of Cadmus, into the body of the text using the camera icon. For more detail see ‘Intro to the Student Environment’ video guide.

What type of reports can be generated from Cadmus?

1. Assessment Reports

These provide an overview of how the cohort has engaged with the assessment over time. The Excel report generated includes columns with the following information :

  • Student name / Student email
  • Time spent - shows how much time a student has spent on an assignment as well as how much time a student has spent preparing for the assignment.
  • Sessions – how many times each student logged into the assessment
  • Total words added / pasted / removed insight into editing behaviour and can be used to support students as they develop academic skills and also to identify issues with academic integrity
  • No. of pastes / % pasted –
  • Most common paste source –
  • Tii similarity score –
  • First save / Final save / Submitted –
  • Most common country / Countries outside UK – useful to indicate whether a student is using a VPN
  • Grade – useful to compare with other insights such as grade vs time spent, grade vs editing behaviour etc
  • Resources Accessed – shows how many resources were accessed by each student eg. marking rubric, plagiarism checker, attached article etc.


2. Activity Reports

Cadmus Provides a detailed report on how individual students engage with their assessment tasks over time, designed to support conversations with students around their writing behaviour and to aid academic integrity investigations.

Illustration of the word count information in Cadmus

Do the Excel Reports include a unique identifier (Student ID)?

Student IDs are now available in-app on the Cadmus class list, as well as in the downloadable Excel reports.

Are students notified when they have submitted to Cadmus?

Submission Receipts: When students submit, they will be sent a submission receipt and PDF copy of their work to their student email.

How are late submissions managed in Cadmus?

Students can be contacted directly from within Cadmus. Staff can quickly filter to see students with no submission, and then contact students directly