Get Help
Ways to contact eLearning:
Here's how to reach us if...
I need to report a fault/issue/problem...
To report an issue with Blackboard, Turnitin, or another of our supported eLearning tools, please log a ticket via Connect (ServiceNow).
I need to log a request...
For requests (software licences, set up a 1-2-1 for help with something, get access to a Blackboard Community Space, etc) - please log a ticket via Connect (ServiceNow).
Please note that if you need to request to be added to a Blackboard course - you need to speak to your school admin team. eLearning can only add people (staff and students) to Blackboard community spaces (Organisations), not courses.
I need help with designing my course/programme (Curriculum Design)
We offer bookable 1hr one-to-one instructional consultations to provide practical advice and actions to effectively plan your teaching in a remote or fully online mode.
You can bring to us (for consultation) any of the following:
- Specific teaching challenges
- Questions around converting your face to face unit and designing for online delivery
- Consultation on alternative or innovative forms of assessment
We can offer:
- Guidance on what is possible and examples of effective online teaching and assessment
- Guidance on what works and what doesn’t in online teaching
- Learning design support
- An opportunity to brainstorm and signpost you to other colleagues in the Faculty
To book a Learning Design consultation, please use our online bookings page.
In addition to these 1hr consultations we have launched an online introduction to learning design self-paced course. Enrol online via the training catalogue.
I'm a new starter and would like a 1-2-1 introduction
New to the University? New to teaching? We offer all our new academics the opportunity to meet one of your school's eLearning team.
AMBS: Please request a consultation via Connect
SALC: book here via the bookings form