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Teaching Assistants

All Teaching Assistants should read through their letter of intent, returning promptly the required signed copy to the School, by the specified date.

TA admin sessions

All Teaching Assistants will be required to attend a School-based TA Admin Session held by People and Organisational Development at the start of each semester, unless otherwise advised.  These sessions will be advertised and coordinated by Schools. 

If TAs are unable to attend any of the School based TA Admin Sessions they should contact People and Organisational Development, to schedule a personal appointment. TAs should note that it may take longer to process documents and consequently set up payments if TAs miss school TA Admin Sessions and organise personal appointments. 

HR Services can be contacted by email at or on 0161 275 4499.

Letter of intent

The Letter of Intent is not the formal contract and will be generated by the School in advance of commencing in the role. The contract is issued in the form of a statement of general terms and conditions and will make reference to the letter of intent. The contract will be issued when HR have received and processed all the documentation a TA is required to provide, detailed below. Please note, the contract may take up to 8 weeks to be issued but is normally received within that timeframe.

Important documents

Please note that no payments can be made without the following documents:

a) P45 or P46 (see below);
b) the completed bank details form (see below) (we cannot pay your salary until you have opened a bank account);
c) the appointment confirmation form (see below);
d) an original document from the list in the link below which confirms that you have permission to work in the United Kingdom and which you must produce to comply with the Asylum and Immigration Act 1996 (this is usually your passport or ID card)

National Insurance number

If you do not have a National insurance (NI) number you should contact Jobcentre Plus to apply for a National Insurance number on 0845 600 0643.  You must have the right to work or study in the UK to get a National Insurance number.  Jobcentre Plus may ask you to go to an interview to confirm your identity.   

Please note that it is compulsory that you obtain a National Insurance number, however this will not prevent you from being paid.


Rates of pay for Teaching Assistants are based on the hourly rates of Grade 5 and start at £14.02 per hour.  The rate increases depending on the number of years’ service and will be adjusted in line with pay awards. Annual leave is paid at the basic hourly rate for every 5.35 hours worked.

Hours of work will be assigned by the area in which TAs are to support. For TAs that are PGR students in Humanities, this should not exceed the maximum of 180 hours over an academic year (see ). TAs should ensure they are clear about the expectations placed on them with regards to the activities to be done and the number of hours of work/expected with regards to preparation, follow up time and associated administration.  TA’s should note that across the Faculty the levels of expectation and requirement each School, Discipline Area and individual courses will have will differ dependent on the subject, teaching methodologies and circumstances.

As the beginning of Semester 1 commences after the payroll deadline date for September it is important to note that any new starters first salary payment should be no later than the last working day of October, assuming all relevant documentation listed above has been submitted, by the appropriate payroll deadline and verified as correct.

You should be aware of the following:

Payments will be made into your chosen bank account and this must be the same as the one held on our payroll system if you are already in receipt of a salary from the University. 

Income Tax and National Insurance contributions will be deducted at the time of payment.

Useful contacts

If you have questions, or concerns, please contact your local line manager or refer to an appropriate school contact, as listed below.

SchoolContact Name(s)Contact Number
Arts, Languages and Cultures Kim Hunter

275 8070

Environment, Education and Development

Monique Brown / Debra Whitehead 275  0817 \ 275 2821
Law Heather Richards 306 1263
Manchester Business School  Michelle Kipling 275 6546
Social Sciences Lucy Shanahan 275 1757

Information Technology

You can initiate your email account once you have received your staff/library card, by either completing the on-line registration form on the IT Account Manager or by going to one of the computer clusters.  If you have any problems with this, contact the Humanities service desk, on or telephone 275 4999.

Semester dates

Details can be found at My Manchester: