Current staff
Here you will find information on academic attendence, academic promotions and professorial salary review.
Academic promotions
Academic staff who are interested in making a case for promotion should consult the University’s Academic Promotions webpages.
Please also read the following Humanities-specific documents:
Guidance and practice relating to academic staff attendance
In order to ensure minimum levels of responsiveness, presence and visibility within Schools, the arrangements set out in 1 to 3 below have been agreed by HPRC to represent normal expectations for academic staff attendance across the Faculty.
It should be emphasised that the arrangements:
- are intended to provide clarity about normal and minimum professional standards and expectations in relation to attendance;
- do not change any aspect of academic contractual terms and should not be taken to imply that the vast majority of staff do not already meet such standards;
- recognise that some aspects of academic work (e.g. fieldwork, research collaborations, external meetings) require staff to work off campus, and that for many staff, certain tasks (e.g. most marking, writing research outputs etc.) can be better and more effectively carried out at home;
- do not mean staff should not and cannot be expected or required to attend the University at other times [1];
- do not mean that staff will be required to register their attendance;
- can be relaxed in certain circumstances [2] with the agreement of the Head of School/discipline/division or equivalent;
- do not apply to a member of staff on research leave or on other authorised absence such as study leave or certified sickness;
- should be modified to recognise part-time working.
The normal minimum expectations are as follows:
- During the teaching periods of each semester, to provide and publicise a minimum of 2 office hours per week on separate weekdays for teaching and/or academic advising purposes.
- To attend the University on at least 3 weekdays each week and be contactable by telephone or via e-mail on the remaining weekdays. The attendance expectations should generally apply throughout the teaching semesters, including examination periods and registration week. However, except on public holidays, University closed days or when on annual leave, staff should, wherever feasible [3], be contactable on any weekday throughout the year by either telephone or via e-mail.
- In addition, all staff should follow established local procedures for informing the Head of School of absences.
Implementation date: February 2013
Policy owner: Faculty Human Resources
Communicated via:Heads of School/HumNet
[1] e.g. the graduation ceremony period.
[2] e.g. where a high proportion of member of staff’s teaching load is concentrated in either Semester 1 or 2.
[3] It is recognised that staff undertaking fieldwork in remote locations may not be contactable.
Professorial salary review
To provide the University with a unified salary scheme for professorial staff and to encourage and recognise excellence.
This policy will be applicable to all professors employed by The University of Manchester, with the exception of those clinical academics employed on the basis of an NHS consultants contract.
The full document can be downloaded from StaffNet:
'4th tier' management roles
Appointment procedures
Job descriptions
Performance and Development Review (P&DR)
Information and guidance on P&DRs is available on the People and OD pages on StaffNet
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Pay and conditions
Information and guidance on Pay and conditions are available on the People and OD pages on StaffNet
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Your pension
Information and guidance on pensions is available on the People and OD pages on StaffNet
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