Change Management
In this section you will find the Faculty’s Change Management Toolkit - a resource created to support you through any changes happening in your team or department, or to support you personally.
Change is continuous and inevitable in all organisations, and this toolkit aims to assist you in both the larger scale, more easily identifiable changes (for example, restructures) but also in the day to-day changes such as project work, process improvements or your own career progression.
On the following pages you will find all the change management support and information the University currently has to offer in one convenient place, including:
- Policies and Procedures
- Career Development & Personal Support
- Management of Change Support
- Feedback and ideas for the future
Your feedback is welcome on the website, on the support signposted on the site, your own experience of change and any suggestions you may have on how the Faculty can improve the support available.
If you would like to discuss in further detail please contact your HR Partner.