Digital marketing
Digital marketing incorporates a range of online activities including display advertising, email marketing and eNewsletters, and Google AdWords.
There are many ways in which you can use digital marketing tools. In the first instance, please contact the relevant member of the Student Marketing and Recruitment Team for advice and project-specific guidance.
Display advertising
Display advertising is online advertising on a website chosen by you and one where you know your target audience will look.
There are a number of options in terms of the advert size, location, and format.
Please contact the Student Marketing and Recruitment Team for advice.
Email marketing and eNewsletters
Email marketing is a means of communicating with a targeted audience via email. Email marketing is most effective when communicating simple information to a known audience, or for wanting to direct people to your website.
Please contact the Student Marketing and Recruitment Team to access University email templates, and for advice on General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and growing your distribution list.
Google AdWords
Google AdWords is an advertising platform held within Google's search engine results.
Within AdWords, you are able to select a number of keywords; your advert will appear when someone searches using the keywords you’ve selected.
When someone clicks on your advert, they’ll be directed to the landing page chosen by you.
Please contact the Student Marketing and Recruitment Team for access and training.
Social media advertising
For more information, please see social media.