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How to select outputs

Which outputs should I request for review?

Please select your TWO best, most important pieces of work, published since 1 January 2021 which include original research to which you have made a distinct and substantial contribution and that you believe are likely to be judged internationally excellent (3*) or world-leading (4*), according to the REF2021 assessment criteria below:

  • 3* - Quality that is internationally excellent in terms of originality, significance and rigour but which falls short of the highest standards of excellence.
  • 4* - Quality that is world-leading in terms of originality, significance and rigour.

If you need help in choosing outputs for the RRE, please contact your Head of Department or Research Co-ordinator in the first instance.

Is there a minimum/maximum limit on the number of outputs?

Yes, we are asking you to select your strongest TWO outputs that you think are of 3*/4* quality.

You do not need to re-request review of outputs previously proposed for the faculty-led RRE in 2024. These requests are held in Pure and will be picked up for review. If you have no new 3*/4* outputs to put forward this year, please confirm to

It is also recognised that some colleagues may have no 3*/4*outputs to propose at this stage in the REF cycle in which case, you should simply confirm by contacting

How to request outputs for review through Pure

Log into Pure and follow the step-by-step guidance provided in the FHums Guidance Document.

You must remember to save at the end of the process.

Information to add to Review request message box

Colleagues are asked to provide the following information in the free text box, using no more than 200 words.

  • A statement describing how the work meets the grade definition in reference to the REF2021 guidance.

Further Guidance on how to select outputs, the REF Assessment Criteria and examples of internal statements can be found in the FHums Guidance Document.