EC Framework Programme 10 (FP10) 2028-2034
FP10 is the next European Community's Research programme after the current Horizon Europe should start in 2028. The duration has not yet been confirmed but most probably will last seven years as the two previous research programmes.
This space just intends to keep track of developments up to the time of launching, including relevant links to relevant information.
Key dates (Science|Business & ERA-LEARN):
- January 2024 – publication of the ex-post evaluation of the 2014 - 2020 Horizon 2020 research programme and how its €80 billion budget was spent.
- May 2024 Single Market Report by Enrico Letta
- June 2024 – member states outline their vision in the European Research Area and Innovation Committee (ERAC) FP10 task force report. ERAC Opinion on Guidance for the next Framework Programme for Research & Innovation
- September 2024 Publication of the so-called Draghi Report: The future of European competitiveness – A competitiveness strategy for Europe
- October 2024 Advice on the future Framework Programme by the High Level Expert Group, chaired by former Portuguese Minister for Research Manuel Heitor
- November 2024 Draft report on the assessment of the implementation of Horizon Europe in view of its interim evaluation and recommendations for the 10th Research Framework Programme (2024/2109(INI)) the European Parliament’s Committee on Industry, Research, and Energy (ITRE)
- December 2024 EARTO Paper on European Partnerships in FP10: How to boost Future EU Public-Private Partnerships?
- January 2025 Opinion of the Partnership Knowledge Hub (PKH) on Partnerships in FP10
- Early 2025 – the interim evaluation of Horizon Europe is due to be published.
- April 2025 Publication of the Interim Evaluation of Horizon Europe
- By 1 July 2025 – the official Commission proposal for FP10 is unveiled.
- Autumn 2025 – member states start negotiations on the proposed framework programme.
- Mid 2025 Legislative Proposal for the 10th Framework Programme by the European Commission
- Beginning of 2026 – member states reach a deal and negotiations with the European Parliament start.
- End of 2026 – (hopefully) a deal on FP10, leaving the Commission a year to prepare the programme.
- 2027 – heads of state and Parliament set the seven-year EU budget, including funding for FP10.
- 2028 – FP10 starts.
Main documents:
- Manuel Heitor’s Align Act Accelerate report
- Enrico Letta’s report on the single market
- Commission President Ursula von der Leyen’s political guidelines for the upcoming mandate
- Mario Draghi’s report on EU competitiveness
Sources for documentation
- New Repository of FP10 Position Papers on the UKRO Portal (from 27/01/24)
- Next Framework Programme (FP10) — ERA-LEARN (February 2025)
Updates October 2024 - February 2025
- New fund suggested to boost European university alliances (Research Professional, 27/02/25)
- Commission planning stronger Erasmus+ and university alliances (Research Professional, 21/02/25)
- Research ministers urged to defend ERC independence and FP10 (Science | Business, 20/02/25)
- EU R&I needs diversity, not directing (Research Professional, 20/02/25)
- Parliament research committee backs independent FP10 (Research Professional, 19/02/25)
- Research faces uncertain future in EU budget shakeup (Science | Business, 13/02/25)
- Viewpoint: FP10 needs another Next Generation EU programme (Science|Business, 13/02/25)
- Shaping the future of the EU together (European Commission, 12/02/25)
- Commission sets out plan to reduce EU funding complexity (Research Professional, 12/02/25)
- MEPs push for Widening to become mainstream in FP10 (Science | Business, 12/02/25)
- ERC should contribute more to competitiveness, says EU research chief (Science|Business, 07/02/25)
- FP10 will happen, says leading MEP (Science | Business, 06/02/25)
- Commission R&I chief declines to confirm standalone FP10 (Research Professional, 06/02/25)
- MEPs and minister agree to fight for standalone FP10 (Research Professional, 31/01/25)
- Major paper calls for ‘disruptive’ shift to next EU R&I programme (Research Professional, 29/01/25)
- Leaked EU competitiveness plan sparks fears of FP10 ‘disaster’ (Research Professional News, 27/01/25)
- University groups ‘reassured for now’ over EU R&I plans (Research Professional, 14/01/25)
- University groups ‘reassured for now’ over EU R&I plans (Research Professional, 14/01/25)
- Research Europe (Research Professional, 09/01/25)
- ‘Absolutely crucial’ to increase ERC budget in FP10 (Research Professional 03/01/25)
- Policy Bulletin, (Science | Business, 05/12/24)
- EU leaders mull competitiveness deal amid ‘worrying’ situation (Research Professional, 08/11/24)
- Research Europe 7 November 2025, (Research Professional, 07/11/24)
- Applied universities defend EU innovation funding schemes (Research Professional, 01/11/24)
- University groups write to EU chief over FP10 concerns (Research Professional, 30/10/24)
- Spain says FP10 should support whole spectrum of R&I (Research Professional, 29/10/24)
- ‘Don’t kill the EU’s R&I programme,’ Zaharieva urged (Research Professional, 24/10/24)
- New EU R&I councils won’t be a burden, expert behind review says (Research Professional, 24/10/24)
- Policy Bulletin (Science|Business, 24/10/24)
- Parliament agrees budget push for Horizon Europe and Erasmus+ (Research Professional, 24/10/24)
- Research Europe Framework Programme’s future, Manuel Heitor interviewed, AI’s impact on integrity and more (Research Professional 24/10/24)
- Commission ‘welcomed’ UK views on shaping FP10 (Research Professional, 23/10/24)
Updates Sep-Oct 2024
- SPECIAL REPORT: Time for a major shakeup of how the EU funds research (Science|Business, 16/10/24)
- Independent experts call for increased investment (EC, 16/10/24)
- LERU welcomes “Align, Act, Accelerate”, the EC’s Expert Group report on FP10 (LERU, 16/10/24)
- Manuel Heitor: Funding for FP10 will be ‘a brutal political fight’ (RP, 16/10/24)
- UK ‘outdated’ on hope to ‘shape’ EU’s FP10 (RP, 15/10/24)
- Paying the price (RP, 10/10/24)
- Europe needs Swafties: restore citizen-focused funding to FP10 (RP, 10/10/24)
- Maria Leptin: Single method for all EU funding ‘would kill ERC’ (RP, 10/10/24)
- Draghi report criticised for ‘narrow view’ of research quality (RP, 10/10/24)
- Commission prepares to bundle all research and innovation money into competitiveness fund (Science|Business (10/10/24)
- Widening funds should run across FP10, says Slovakia (RP, 09/10/24)
- Vallance: UK wants to ‘shape’ next EU R&I programme (RP, 09/10/24)
- MEPs question future commissioners on their vision (RP, 08/10/24)
- Beyond Horizon (RP, 07/10/24)
- Uncertainty looms over Framework Programme 10, as EU debates its structure (Science|Business 03/10/24)
- Our vision for Framework Programme 10 (UUK, 02/10/24)
- Keep Widening funds in FP10, recipient governments urge (RP, 27/09/24)
- FP10 should be more flexible, UK government suggests (RP, 26/09/24)
- UK ‘interested’ in associating to EU’s FP10 (RP, 26/09/24)
- Evolution not revolution: What the UK wants from the next Horizon programme (Wonkhe, 26/09/24)
- UK position on EU's Research and Innovation Framework Programme (GOV.UK, 26/09/24)
- Medical academies seek simplification from FP10 (RP, 25/09/24)
- FP10 needs and worries in new podcast (LERU, 24/09/24)
- Make FP10 easier to apply to, Swiss funder urges (RP, 09/09/24)
Updates May-August 2024
- FP10 should be simpler and clearer, input papers say (RP, 28/08/24)
- FP10 should break down barriers between industry and academia, says EMBL (Science|Business, 01/08/24)
- Why Europe must invest in research infrastructures now (Science|Business, 01/08/24)
- The EU’s surest route to tech sovereignty is staying open (RP, 01/08/24)
- CEOs call for dual-use defence research to be allowed in FP10 (RP, 29/07/24)
- French agency head wants ‘goal-oriented’ basic research in FP10 (RP, 24/07/24)
- EU’s embrace of science must not serve up half-baked FP10 (RP, 18/07/24)
- Ursula von der Leyen pledges to expand the European Research Council (UKRO, 18/07/24)
- Scale or focus? A choice for Framework Programme 10 (Science|Business, 18/07/24)
- EUA sounds alarm over member states’ stance on FP10 budget (RP, 12/07/24)
- FP10 should fund longer projects, says Austrian science council (RP, 12/07/24)
- Member states call for a greater role in shaping FP10 (Science|Business, 27/06/24)
- Don’t create new instruments for FP10, Swiss government urges (RP, 18/06/24)
- Life sciences institutes seek ‘realistic’ approach to FP10, (RP, 13/06/24)
- FP10 needs more innovation competitions and fewer grants (Science|Business, 13/06/24)
- German academic bodies offer thoughts on FP10, (RP, 04/06/24)
- FP10 should prioritise innovation over policy (Science|Business, 30/05/24)
- Impactful Gender Equality Plans and how to get there in FP10. (LERU, 28/05/24)
- Germany calls for a portfolio approach in FP10. (RP, 24/05/24)
- EU should consider grants for teaching excellence. (RP, 23/05/24).
- ‘More cash needed’ for EU mobility targets (RP, 23/05/24).
- EIT pushes back on Latvian call for it to be scrapped (RP, 23/05/24).
- Europe must step up for scholars at risk. (23/05/24).
- Free Marie-Skłodowska Curie! (RP 23/05/24).
- How researchers see the future of Widening (Science|Business, 22/05/24).
- Double funding for EU science, urge French university heads (RP, 22/05/24).
- Making Horizon Europe’s successor work for UK research | Wonkhe (21/05/24).
- Russell Group Briefing - Framework Programme 10 (20/05/24).
- Calls to scrap EIT mount as Fraunhofer slams the EU technology institute (Science|Business, 16/05/24).
- Leru wants ‘evolution not revolution’ from FP10 (RP, 16/05/24).
- Cesaer group suggests new EU competitiveness funder (RP, 16/05/24).
- Beyond Horizon – creating an ambitious framework programme for Europe’s R&I excellence - The Guild (15/05/24).
- Universities say EU must ‘respect’ R&I in next funding programme (RP, 15/05/24).
- EU urged to make MSCA bigger and more independent (RP, 15/05/24).
- LERU paper with its comprehensive views on the next EU Framework Programma (FP10) | LERU (15/05/24).
- Latvian government calls for EIT to be ‘discontinued’ | Science|Business (09/05/24).
- Speech on the role of R&I ahead of the next EU Framework Programme | ERC (07/05/24).
- Commission proposals for funding defence R&D get mixed reviews from universities | Science|Business (07/05/24).
Updates up to April 2024
- Earma seeks dedicated research management instruments in FP10 (RP, 25/04/24).
- Viewpoint: the next framework programme must remember the human dimension. (RP, 23/04/24).
- 10 recommendations for FP10: EARMA calls for strategic investment in research management.(24/04/25).
- ERC to seek greater autonomy in Horizon Europe successor, Research Professional, 10/04/24.
- FP10 should fund AI for peace, ageing – and European leadership, Science|Business, 09/04/24.
- European University Association sets out its wish list for Framework Programme 10, Science|Business, 09/04/24.
- Use FP10 to secure research leadership, urges EUA, Research Professional, 08/04/24.
- Special report on ideas circulating around Brussels on how the EC could shape the next FP for R&I, Science|Business, 14/03/24.
- ERC Position Statement on Future Framework Programme (24/01/24)
- Axe the European Institute of Innovation & Technology and move missions and Widening out of Horizon Europe successor, Danish government says, Science|Business, 25/01/24.
- How to make a European research framework programme, Science|Business, 19/12/23.
- Commission assembles advisers for Framework Programme 10, Science|Business, 05/12/23.
- A Transformative EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation?, EC R&I (25/10/23).
- The European Union cannot afford an insular approach to research, THE (24/08/23).
- Researching the future: Lemaître has a plan for shaping the 2028 – 2034 Framework Programme 10, Science|Business, 13/07/23.
- Key messages for FP10 - Joint Statement of LERU, CE7 and The Guild for the EU institutions, The Guild (28/06/23).
- EU framework programmes for research and innovation, Publications Office of the EU (Sep 2017).