Research funding opportunities
The Research Funding opportunities pages contain information about research funding opportunities (and other opportunities) relevant to the Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS).
The information provided aims to support academics and researchers on funding appropriate calls for new research projects or/and supporting projects/ideas that are already underway.
As well as internal University and Faculty funding (when this is available), we also sourced appropriate external opportunities from key HSS funding bodies, and from some less well-known organisations.
We've organised the information on these pages to make it as easy as possible for you to find the funding you need.
Search for funding
We recommend using Research Professional for your personalised search using keywords. Log in using your University credentials.
The page informs of those calls that are financially relevant to the Faculty of Humanities.
An overview of the most recent and prominent opportunities from inside and outside the University. Including a list of highlights, a database recording all the relevant calls for HSS, and internal highlights when they are available.
The latest funding-related activities.
Space dedicated to the University and Faculty of Humanities when relevant information is available.
Have a quick look at key external funding bodies, know about fellowships, and the possibilities from the small grant funding.
Re Horizon Europe: This link to the University of Manchester Research funding will clarify the position of the University on Brexit. UKRI advises on EU funding and the underwriting and guarantee funding policy.
There are other University internal websites with relevant funding information:
- The University of Manchester Research Development pages, including internal deadlines relevant to the whole university. ResearchDevelopment@Manchester: team working with postgraduates researchers, postdoctoral researchers, research fellows and supervisors. Staff dissemination and collaboration and other funding.
- Other University general website focused on fundig for postgraduate research including funding opportunities.
- Finding Funding from the Research Services part of the University Resarch and Business Engagement. Team manages the subscription to Research Professional and to key University research funding: UMRI, International Partnerships external funding.
- The University International Strategic Partnerships website focusing on achieving joint funding with international universities.
- Faculty of Humanities Research Funding schemes: Simon and Hallsworth.
Other key opportunities (over £250k) (update 05/01/2024)
The highlights and external funding bodies pages provide links to these funding opportunities for collaboration.
Open calls: The calls below, due to the changes of submission tool from Je-S to the new Funding Service currently require deadline for submissions.
- AHRC Catalyst awards
- AHRC Curiosity awards
- ESRC New Investigator Grants
- ESRC Research Grants scheme
- ESRC Secondary Analysis Initiative
- Leverhulme Trust Research Projects
Calls with annual deadlines:
- ESRC Research Centres competition
- ESRC Large Grants
- AXA Chairs
- Global Innovation Fund (GIF)
- Government USA - National Institutes of Health (NIH) Project grants
- HERA - Humanities in the European Research Area
- Heritage Lottery Fund
- Horizon Europe Clusters calls 2023-2027
- Innovate UK (IUK) Smart Grants
- Leverhulme International Professorships
- Leverhulme Research Centres
- Microsoft productivity research
- NERC New Investigator Grants
- NERC Standard Grants
- NERC Large Grants
- NIHR - National Institutes for Health Research - PRP Policy Research Programme
- NIHR - National Institutes for Health Research - Population Research Programme
- Private Enterprise Development in Low-Income Countries (PEDL) Major Research Grants
- Shuttleworth Fellowship
- Simons Foundation Targeted Grants to Institutes
- Spencer Foundation Research Grants on Education: Large
- UK-German collaborative research projects in the humanities
- UNDEF United Nations Democracy Fund grants
- Wellcome Early-Career Awards
- Wellcome Discovery Awards
- Wellcome Career Developemtn Awards
- Wellcome Research Enrichment - Public Engagement