Regulations and policies
Ordinances and regulations
The University’s Ordinances and Regulations set out the regulatory framework by which all programmes of study are governed. These cover details matters such as the admissions requirements, duration of programme, progression, study away from the University, registration and fees, content and length of thesis and so on for all programmes within the University.
A briefing for supervisors
Essential documents
There are certain documents which are essential reading for supervisors:
- Policy on Supervision for Postgraduate Degrees
- Policy on the Progress and Review of Postgraduate Research Students
- Change of Circumstances for Postgraduate Research Student Policy
- Policies on Postgraduate Research Degrees Examination
- Supervisor Guidance Advice Sheet
- Researcher Development: A briefing for Supervisors
University regulations and policies
The University Research Degrees and Researcher Development website provides links to ordinances, regulations, policies and guidelines for postgraduate research provision including:
- Supervision
- Progress and review
- Changes to degrees
- Submission and examination
- Intellectual property
The University Research Governance, Ethics and Integrity website contains information useful for postgraduate research:
- Authorship guidance
- Code of Good Research Conduct
- Data management and protection
- Research ethics
- Research misconduct