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School of Environment, Education and Development School Studentships

If you are liaising with a potential supervisee who may interested in applying for this funding competition, please direct them to the School of Environment, Education and Development Postgraduate Research Studentships funding page.

A number of School of Environment, Education and Development Studentships are available each year to incoming PGRs, holding offers for each of the below programmes:

The studentships cover a full programme (3.5 years full time, or 7 years part time), to a value of:

  • Tuition fees (home or overseas)
  • An annual maintenance stipend (£19,237 per annum for 2024/25)

Academic requirements

Applicants must meet the academic requirements of their programme. For most SEED programmes, this is:

  • Bachelor's (Honours) degree at 2:1 or above (or overseas equivalent); and
  • Master's degree in a relevant subject - with an overall average of 60% or above, a minimum mark of 60% in dissertation (or overseas equivalent)

All applicants must provide evidence of English language proficiency with their application. If English language is an outstanding condition an offer, this must be met by 28 February 2025. If English language requirements have not been met by the time the School committees begin their consideration, the application will not be included in the competition.

Acceptable evidence includes:

  • IELTS test minimum score - 7.0 overall, 7.0 in writing, 6.0 in other sections.
  • TOEFL (internet based) test minimum score - 100 overall, 25 in all sections.
  • To demonstrate that you have taken an undergraduate or postgraduate degree in a majority English speaking nation within the last 5 years.
  • Other tests may be considered.


To enter the SEED Studentship competition, applicants must submit their programme application no later than Monday, 20 January 2025. Applicants seeking to apply for ESRC NWSSDTP funding must submit their programme application by the same deadline.

Please note that the application deadline for AHRC NWCDTP is earlier, on Monday, 13 January 2025. As such, we recommend that PhD Architecture applicants apply by this deadline.

All English language conditions must be met by 28 February 2025.

Please note that the given deadlines are strict and late or incomplete applications will not be included in the competition.

Allocation procedure

  1. Applicants submit their application by 20 January 2025. Applications must contain all necessary supporting documents and indicate the intention to apply for a SEED studentship.
  2. Applications are then circulated for review via the evaluation process. If you have a potential supervisee seeking SEED funding, please ensure to review their application in a timely manner. Applicants must hold a formal programme offer by 28 February 2025. If all approval has not been given by these dates, the application will not be eligible for funding consideration.
  3. All eligible applicants holding offers by the above dates are compiled into a candidate list, provided to DCOs, along with access to all relevant application documents. DCOs may then hold Departmental panels to determine Department level nominees. Nominees must be confirmed to the Doctoral Academy Admissions Team no later than 21 March 2025.
  4. A list of all Department level nominees is then provided to the SEED PGR director; the SEED SR director; the SEED research director; and the SEED EDI Associate Director; the PGR AD director for an initial joint ranking ahead of the final SEED panel.
  5. SEED Panel to take place week commencing 4 April 2025, attended by DCOs, PGR Director, EDI representatives and Doctoral Academy Admissions. In this panel, the pre-ranking is discussed and studentships allocated accordingly.
  6. The Doctoral Academy Admissions Team communicates outcomes to all unsuccessful and reserve candidates, and issues funding letters to SEED studentship awardees.


The Enhancing Racial Equality (SERE) Studentship is open to Home (UK) applicants and offer holders who identify as Black and Asian Minority Ethnic (BAME)/People of Colour. To enter the competition, applicants must indicate their intention to apply for the SERE studentship in section 9 of the application form.

The deadlines and allocation process are the same as above. SERE applicants will be indicated in the candidate list, shortlisted in the initial joint ranking, and the awardee will be determined in the SEED panel.