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The majority of interactions with external third parties will require a contract. The Contracts Team will provide legal advice, negotiate and put an appropriate agreement in place, to formalise the arrangements.

  • A contract is a legally binding agreement that clearly sets out the rights and obligations of the parties, formalising the relationship with external parties around an activity;
  • Contracts are entered into with a wide range of external bodies including other universities, companies, government departments and agencies, charities and individuals.
  • All contracts are made with The University of Manchester as the legal entity.
  • Only certain individuals have authority to sign the contract on behalf of the University, the Contracts Team will manage the signature process for you.

The Recruitment and Admissions Officer and the Recruitment and Admissions Coordinator (R&A Officer/R&A Coordinator) within the Humanities Doctoral Academy are responsible for supporting the contract process for agreements that involve the recruitment of a PGR. If you are considering working with an external third party, please contact the admissions team who will provide guidance on the process.

Additional points to note:

  • If the external third party will be fully funding the PhD it is expected that a contract agreement is fully signed before the advertising and formal offer is issued. At the earliest opportunity you should contact the R&A Officer/R&A Coordinator especially where the arrangements may be particularly complex.
  • Studentships awarded through the ESRC NWSSDTP CASE and AHRC NWCDTP CDA will require a contract to be in place at the beginning of the studentship. Following a formal offer being issued to the PGR the R&A Officer/R&A Coordinator will be in touch to support the formalising of a contract agreement.

Further information on the University Contracts process including relevant contacts can be found here.