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Alliance Manchester Business School +4 Studentships

If you are liaising with a potential supervisee who may interested in applying for this funding competition, please direct them to the Alliance Manchester Business School PhD Studentships funding page.

A number of Alliance Manchester Business School Studentships are available each year to incoming PGRs, holding offers for each of the below programmes:

The studentships cover the full 4 year programme (or 8 years part time), to a value of:

  • Tuition fees (home or overseas)
  • An annual maintenance stipend (£19,237 per annum for 2024/25)
  • A research training support grant

Academic requirements

  • Bachelor's (Honours) degree at 2:1 or above (or overseas equivalent); and
  • Master's degree in a relevant cognate subject - normally with an overall average of 70% or above (or overseas equivalent)


AMBS studentship allocation operates a staged process as set out below. Applicants in stage 1 may also be applying for ESRC NWSSDTP studentships, as the programme application deadline is also 1 December 2024.

Funding RoundApplication DeadlineOutcome expected by
Stage 1 1 December 2024 7 February 2025
Stage 2 15 March 2025 30 May 2025

Please note that the given deadlines are strict and late or incomplete applications will not be included in the competition.

We reserve the right to close the competition at any stage if all awards have been allocated, so we recommend that you advise your supervisee to apply as soon as possible. In some instances due to the competition for places and the volume of applications received, it may be necessary to roll applications forward to the next stage.

If this is the case, we will let applicants know after the initial deadline has passed.

Allocation procedure

  1. Applicants submit their application by the relevant stage deadline. Applications must contain all necessary supporting documents, and indicate the intention to apply for an AMBS studentship. If an application is incomplete by the stage 1 deadline, the application will be rolled forward to stage 2.
  2. Applications are then circulated for review via the evaluation process. If you have a potential supervisee seeking AMBS funding, please ensure to review their application in a timely manner. Applicants must hold a formal programme offer by the dates below to be considered. If all approval has not been given by these dates, the application will not be eligible for funding consideration:

    Stage 1 15 January 2025
    Stage 2 30 April 2025
  3. All eligible applicants holding offers by the above dates are compiled into a candidate list, provided to Division Co-ordinators. Division co-ordinators then arrange funding interviews with each eligible candidate. Candidates may be asked to prepare a presentation on their proposed research. The funding interviews are held with the relevant Division Co-ordinator, and assessed based on ESRC NWSSDTP criteria- given in the AMBS funding interview form.
  4. Following funding interviews, Division Co-ordinators rank the candidates and provide their rankings to the AMBS PGR Director. The PGR Director, provided they approve the ranking, confirm the outcomes to the Doctoral Academy Admissions Team.
  5. The Doctoral Academy Admissions Team communicates outcomes to all unsuccessful and reserve candidates, and issues funding letters to AMBS studentship awardees.


As mentioned above, applicants in stage 1 may also be applying for ESRC NWSSDTP studentships, as the programme application deadline is also 1 December 2024.

The ESRC NWSSDTP competition is extremely competitive, and it is likely you will be required to support the PGR and their application throughout the process.

Please liaise with your supervisee to help them produce a 1500 word version of their research proposal and make sure the revised version of the proposal is forwarded to the Doctoral Academy Admissions team by the 1 December 2023 deadline. Pathway leads also utilise the content of the interview form in their nominations, so please complete this form with as much detail as possible following the admissions interview to ensure a strong application.

If your potential supervisee is intending to apply for ESRC NWSSDTP funding, please read further information for supervisors about the ESRC NWSSDTP competition.

Alliance Manchester Business School 1+4 Home Studentships

If you are liaising with a potential supervisee who may interested in applying for this funding competition, please direct them to the Alliance Manchester Business School 1+4 Home Studentships funding page.

A number of school Studentships are available each year to incoming 1+4 PGRs, holding offers for each of the below programmes:

The studentships cover the full 1+4 year programme (or 2+8 years part time), to a value of:

  • Tuition fees
  • An annual UKRI maintenance stipend - £19,237 p/a (Masters and PhD)
  • A research training support grant (PhD only)

Academic requirements

  • Bachelor's (Honours) degree at 2:1 or above (or overseas equivalent)


If you are supporting an applicant, it is essential to adhere to the specified timeline:

Programme Application Deadline 15 March 2025
Formal Offers to be issued By 30 April 2025
Doctoral Academy to send candidates list to the Divisions By 9 May 2025
Divisional Funding Interview Outcome By 23 May 2025
Funding letters to be issued Within a week of funding outcomes received

Allocation procedure

  1. Applicants must submit their applications by the 15 March 2025, including all necessary supporting documents and an indication of their intention to apply for an AMBS 1+4 studentship.
  2. Applications are reviewed via the evaluation process. If you have a potential supervisee seeking AMBS funding the application must be reviewed promptly. Applicants must hold a formal programme offer by the date indicated to be eligible for funding. If the approval process has not been completed by these dates, the application will not be eligible for funding.
  3. In liaison with the division coordinator, you will identify the appropriate masters programme for issuing the formal offer. This is recorded in the offer proforma.
  4. Eligible applicants holding offers by the specified date are compiled into a candidate list and provided to Division coordinators. The Division coordinator arranges funding interviews with each eligible candidate, who may be asked to present their proposed research. Funding interviews are conducted by the relevant Division coordinator and assessed according to the agreed criteria for 1+4 studentships.
  5. Following the interviews, Division coordinators rank the candidates and submit their rankings to the AMBS PGR Director. The PGR Director approves the rankings and confirms the outcomes to the Doctoral Academy Admissions Team.
  6. The Doctoral Academy Admissions Team informs all unsuccessful and reserve candidates of the outcomes and issues funding letters to AMBS studentship awardees.