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Policies and guidance

This page provides signposts to University policies, procedures and guidance documents, and, where relevant, supplementary information provided by the Faculty of Humanities.

  • Strategy
  • Policies
  • Codes of Practice and Guidance
  • Presentations

Policy Framework

In July 2010, the University introduced a Policy Framework which provides the following descriptions for Policies, Procedures and Guidance:

  • ‘A Policy is a statement of principles that staff, students and other applicable personnel must follow.’
  • ‘A Procedure, subsidiary to a Policy, is an official way of doing something which must be followed.’
  • ‘A Guidance Note or a Code of Practice is an advisory document that indicates a course of action that will usually be followed unless there is a good reason for not doing so. They provide protocols, practice and guidance to ensure that staff and others can comply with specific Policies and Procedures.’

Documents Database

There is an online list of all documents produced by The University of Manchester, including policies, procedures, regulations, guidelines and forms.

For ease of reference, the main relevant documents are listed below.


Manchester 2020 Planning Support Office Outlines the University's strategic plan - based around three core goals of world-class research, outstanding learning and student experience, and social responsibility.
University of Manchester Research Strategy Directorate of Research and Business Engagement Support Services Outlining how the University plans to continue to achieve high-quality research that benefits society as a whole.
Humanities Strategic Plan Faculty of Humanities The plan sets out the Faculty's key aims for the next six years.
Humanities PGR Strategy - 2016 Humanities PGR Committee Addresses external challenges and opppotunities to capitalise on them.
Faculty of Humanities Business Engagement Strategy Business Engagement Support Services Details of plan to develop engagement and delivery of Business Engagement.
Humanities Internationalisation Strategy Humanities Internationalisation Strategy Group Document setting out objectives that aim to support the University and Faculty's goals.



Document / WebsiteOwnerContent
Academic Leave Policy (University) Directorate of Human Resources Decription of the University's policy on leave for academic staff.
Faculty of Humanities Peer Review Protocol Research Office, Faculty of Humanities A refresh of the Faculty peer review policy for external grant applications.
Humanities Governance of Research Institutes, Centres, Groups and Networks Research Office, Faculty of Humanities Overview of definitions, management and review of Research Institutes, Centres, Groups and Networks
University of Manchester Research Institutes (UMRI) Directorate of Research Business Engagement Support Services Description of UMRIs and goverance procedures.
Research Governance, Ethics and Integrity Directroate of Research Business Engagement Support Services Details of University policies and guidance and advice for researchers.
University Costing and Pricing Policy Finance Details of University policy when costing and pricing research.

Codes of Practice and Guidance

Statement of Research Expectations Directorate of Research and Business Engagement Support Services Expected research performance levels for staff.
Faculty of Humanities, Personal Research Expectations Plan Humanities Research Strategy Committee Guide to providing the basis for structured, formative and supportive advice to academics on their mid to long term research career plans.
Depositing research outputs in Pure Library Advice on depositing research outputs.
Making sure your paper is REF eligible Library Details about HEFCE and University policies regarding Open Access.
Humanities guidance on individual research allowances/teaching and scholarship allowances Faculty of Humanities, Finance Document clarifies definition and utilisaition of "individual reserves".

Forms and Templates

Faculty Intent to Apply form Research Office, Faculty of Humanities Intent to Apply Form for completion by all FoH colleagues who are applying for external funding


Presentations and Briefings

Presentation / BriefingDatePresenterContent
Social Media December, 2016 Scott Taylor Improve visibility and online presence for researchers.
Cyber Security Programme December, 2016 Sarah Garland Increase awareness regarding dangers and responsibilities.
N8 Strategy & Opportunities June, 2016 N8 Strategy and forthcoming opportunities.

Global Challanges Research Fund:

Understanding and responding to this opportunity

November, 2016

Diana Mitlin

Bertrand Taithe

Overview of GCRF, including discussion of challenges and opportunities for Humanities.

Supporting academics to produce 4*publications (TBA)



Advice relating to producing 4* publications

AHRC internal background briefing for institutional visits



Background briefing paper.
ESRC internal background briefing for institutional visits   N/A Background briefing paper.
ESRC Regional Visits June 2017 Jane Elliott Presentation ESRC strategic plan

Useful Links

GCRF Information Directorate of Research and Business Engagement Support Services Information about the Global Challenges Research Fund from the perspective of The University of Manchester 
EU referendum Directorate of Research and Business Engagement Support Services Advice and support for staff at The University of Manchester following the results of the EU referendum