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Early career research

We are delighted to have you here as Research staff at The University of Manchester Faculty of Humanities and to guide you through building your skills and developing your research community.

The Faculty Research Staff E-guide, contains a wealth of information for new and existing research staff. 

Training Programme

The training programme is delivered by Faculty of Humanities Researcher Development with additional courses accessed through the Humanities New Academics Programme courses.

DateEvent TitleTime


Small Grants Workshop

14:00 - 16:00


Grant Writing for Success

10:00 – 12 noon

02/02/2021 (tbc)

Writing Conference Abstracts

10:00 – 12 noon


Project Management for research success

10:00 - 12 noon


Introduction to applying for fellowships

14:00 – 16:00


Developing Effective Research Relationships (DiSC)

14:00 – 16:00

23/03/2021 (tbc)

Writing Fellowship Bids

10:00 – 12 noon

Humanities New Academics Programme (HNAP)

HNAP is supplementary to our usual Researcher Development programme and has been opened to include Research Staff at the University of Manchester for the 2020/2021 academic year. However, places are limited. To attend HNAP sessions you will need to follow a separate application process to the HNAP programme. Once accepted on the HNAP programme you can then select which sessions you want to attend from the training catalogue in the normal way. These sessions will have ‘HNAP’ included in the course description. 

View a copy of the HNAP schedule for further details.

You do not have to do all of HNAP, you can simply choose units relevant to your career development plan. Places on the units are given to those who are permanent members of staff as a priority. If there is a unit with a cap on numbers, then your place may not be confirmed until a week before. For any units where there isn’t a cap on numbers, we can confirm your place.

Completed application forms should be sent as attachments and emailed to

Planning your career development

Often people choose a course because of its title or because they think it sounds like an interesting topic. However, this may not be the most strategic or efficient way for you to prepare for the career that you want.

There are several approaches and tools that you might use to ensure that you are making appropriate career development choices and using your time at Manchester in the most productive way possible. The tools or approaches that you use will depend on your career choices and your own preferences.

Strategic approach

A strategic approach to career planning and/or reflection is likely to be of benefit whatever your aspirations might be, and one-to-one support is available in a variety of forms to support your career development planning or to help you to explore the roles and options that might be open to you. Find out more about Strategic Career Planning.

External Resources

You may find the Researcher Development Framework (RDF) useful in identifying your training needs. Vitae Researcher Development Framework

Similarly, there are also excellent resources for career planning on