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About the Research office

Welcome to the Faculty Research and Business Engagement Office.

Our role and responsibilities are to work with School Heads and Research Directors to devise and help deliver the University and Faculty's research strategy. To do this, we have a professional research support service team based in Schools, as well as teams responsible for knowledge exchange and impact and business engagement, and a research communications and marketing manager.

  • Professor Maggie Gale, Vice-Dean for Research
  • Professor Neil Humphrey, Associate Dean for Research
  • Under recruitment, Associate Dean for Business Engagement
  • Jared Ruff, Head of Research and Business Engagement
  • Jonathan Starbrook, Head of Faculty Research Support Services
  • Elaine Edwards, Faculty Research Strategy Manager
  • Rachel Kenyon, Business Engagement Manager
  • Liz Fay, European Funding and Development Manager
  • Emma Richmond, Research Communications and Engagement Manager

Postgraduate research is an integral part of our research strategy, led by the Associate Dean for Postgraduate Research, Professor Sue Heath and by Bernadette O'Connor, PGR Manager, with its own dedicated postgraduate research office and student-facing web pages.

Our research

The Faculty is home to a suite of research institutes, networks and major centres which facilitate interdisciplinary research. We also have a portfolio of another 27 research centres across our Schools, some of which are nested within these institutes, and the details of which can be found on the School pages.

Our research has impact, some of which was highlighted in the 80+ impact case studies submitted to the Research Excellence Framework in 2014. Our research-led knowledge exchange and impact is supported by an ESRC Impact Acceleration Account and by our Policy@Manchester team.

Humanities Research Strategy Committee

The Faculty's research strategy and policies are driven by the Humanities Research Strategy Committee, which meets eight times a year and has representation from each School.

Research Communications and Marketing

The Research office is supported by the Research Communications and Marketing Manager who is available to provide advice and resources to help promote research. This is primarily done through the Research Communications Team, and could also include communications planning, stakeholder mapping and integrated marketing activities.

Research office contacts