Teaching and Learning Committee
Meeting dates 2023/24
- 04/10/2023
- 08/11/2023
- 06/12/2023
- No meeting in January
- 07/02/2024
- 06/03/2024
- No meeting in April
- 01/05/2024
- 05/06/2024
- 03/07/2024
Meeting dates 2022/23
- 05/10/2022
- 02/11/2022
- 07/12/2022
- 08/02/2023
- 08/03/2023
- No meeting in April
- 03/05/2023
- 14/06/2023
- 12/07/2023
The primary remit of the Teaching and Learning Committee is to provide advice and guidance to the Chair on all matters relating to undergraduate and postgraduate taught teaching and learning and the student experience. In particular, the
Committee will:
- Develop, implement and monitor Delivery of the Faculty of Humanities’ Strategic Plan and Operational Priorities and regularly review success against key performance indicators, as part of the University’s Planning and Accountability Cycle.
- Promote and monitor the implementation of the University/Faculty strategies, regulations, policies and procedures in relation to the development of teaching, learning and the student experience, including;
- Continuous Monitoring
- Student Support systems
- Student employability
- Student representation and feedback
- The development and eLearning and distance learning
- The management of published information about taught provision in Humanities
- Oversight and management of the Faculty Risk Register with respect to teaching and learning
- Facilitation of inter-Faculty/inter-School/interdisciplinary co-operation where required
- Contribution to the shaping of University and, where applicable, external policy concerning taught provision
3. Periodically review the Faculty’s academic programmes, including those delivered by partner institutions, systematically for the purpose of:
- encouraging regular review of strategic issues relating to taught programmes within schools
- ensuring that the design, development, delivery and assessment of curricula are appropriate and are shaped by the learning outcomes identified for Manchester graduates
- ensuring that a proper balance is maintained between the breadth of curricula and the capacity of the University to provide high quality, highly interactive, personal learning environments, both face-to-face and on-line
- identifying and disseminating good practice and initiating suggestions to the Schools about steps that might be taken to improve their curricula, programmes and the student experience
4. The Teaching and Learning Committee will delegate aspects of its remit to a number of sub-committees / groups as required, each of which will be chaired by the Vice-Dean or Assistant Vice-Dean, and will report to the Teaching and Learning Committee.
Mode of operation
The Faculty Teaching and Learning Committee will normally meet monthly during the teaching period (seven meetings from October to June), in line with the University’s Teaching and Learning Group. Meetings will be cancelled if there is insufficient business. Additional meetings away from the teaching period may be called if the need arises.
- Associate Dean for Teaching, Learning and Students – Chair
- Associate Dean (Flexible and Distance Learning)
- Associate Dean (Portfolio Development)
- Associate Dean (Realising Student Potential)
- Associate Dean (Teaching, Learning and Students)
- Communications And Content Manager
- Faculty eLearning Manager
- Head of School Teaching Learning and Student Experience (each school)
- Head of Teaching, Learning and Student Experience
- School Directors of Teaching and Learning (or nominee)
- Student Service, Support and Development Manager
- Students’ Union Education Coordinator
- Students’ Union Head of Education and Advocacy
- Students’ Union Humanities Officer
Ex-officio members
- Faculty Appeals, Complaints and Malpractice Officer
- Faculty Teaching and Learning Officers
- Head of Planning, Compliance and Governance
- School Student Marketing and Recruitment Manager
- Student Access, Success and Development Officer
- University of Manchester Library Head of Teaching, Learning and Students
By invitation
- Admissions Manager, AMBS and SEED
- Admissions Manager, SoSS and SALC
- Associate Dean for Internationalisation
- Director of MBA Programmes
- Director of Postgraduate Studies
- Faculty Careers Manager
- IT Partner (Humanities)
- MBS Directors of Undergraduate Studies, Postgraduate Studies, and MBA
- Vice Dean of Social Responsibility and Inclusion
The most recent minutes of the Teaching and Learning Committee meetings will be posted to this page. There is a dedicated Teams site if you need access please contact Steph Beck.
Minutes Archive
Minutes 2017/18
- Wednesday, 4 October 2017 meeting
- Wednesday, 8 November 2017 meeting
- Wednesday, 6 December 2017 meeting
- Wednesday, 7 february 2018 meeting
- Wednesday, 14 March 2018 meeting
- Wednesday, 18 April 2018 meeting
- Wednesday, 16 May 2018 meeting
- Wednesday, 13 June 2018 meeting
Minutes 2016/17
- Wednesday, 12 October 2016 meeting
- Wednesday, 9 November 2016 meeting
- Wednesday, 7 December 2016 meeting
- Wednesday, 15 February 2017 meeting
- Wednesday, 17 May 2017 meeting
- Wednesday, 14 June 2017 meeting
Minutes 2015/16
- Wednesday 7 October 2015 meeting
- Wednesday 11 November 2015 meeting
- Wednesday 9 December 2015 meeting
- Wednesday 10 February 2016 meeting
- Wednesday 9 March 2016 meeting
- Wednesday 4 May 2016 meeting
- Wednesday 8 June 2016 meeting
Minutes 2014/15
- Wednesday 10 June 2015 meeting (Word Document)
- Wednesday 22 April 2015 meeting (Word Document)
- Wednesday 18 February 2015 meeting (Word Document)
- Wednesday 10 December 2014 meeting (Word Document)
- Wednesday 5 November 2014 meeting (Word Document)
- Minutes of the 8th October 2014 meeting (Word Document)
Minutes 2013/14
- Minutes of the 9th July 2014 meeting (Word Document)
- Minutes of the 12th June 2014 meeting (Word Document)
- Minutes of the 2th April 2014 meeting (Word Document)
- Minutes of the 19th February 2014 meeting (Word Document)
- Minutes of the 11th December 2013 meeting (Word Document)
- Minutes of the 6th November 2013 meeting (PDF)
- Minutes of the 9th October 2013 meeting (PDF)