What have we achieved
At the end of Jan 2024, the Humanities Size and Shape project transitioned from project to becomes ‘business as usual’ delivering planned objectives and the infrastructure to support delivery of 5-year plans including a focus on the below areas:
Five-year plan for sustainable growth
- Student number growth built into Humanities budget and five-year plan, by 2025/26 there will be an increase of approx. 2500 students.
- Additional income of approx. £63m and £48m contribution will be delivered by 2025/26.
New Innovative Programme growth
- There have been 12 new programmes (and 1 new pathway) launched in 2023 across four Schools with a further seven due to be launched in 2024 and five in 2025.
- New programme development process has been streamlined. It takes an average of 20 months development from the first stakeholder meeting to launch.
International student diversification
- Whilst the majority of new Size and Shape programmes met overall E23 recruitment targets, the highest proportion of international interest was from the Chinese market.
- For E23 the top five markets (excluding China) for UG and PGT were India, Pakistan, Nigeria, Taiwan, Ghana.
- Across the portfolio Humanities have outperformed their projections reducing % of overseas students from China to 56% versus 58% projected.
New staff joining the Faculty of Humanities
- Thirty-three new academics and 18 new PS staff have joined us by the end of 2023 to support development and delivery of our innovative new programmes and support staff and student number growth.
Our Estate is being developed to accommodate growth and improve staff and student experience
- All 2023 Estates upgrades have now been delivered including:
- a new psycholinguistics lab and two digital media labs both in the Samuel Alexander building,
- a new AMBS data lab,
- a new Music Modular Building adjacent to the Martin Harris Centre
- modifications to various office spaces in HBS and Arthur Lewis; and
- improvement works to the Architecture workshop in HBS.
- The Faculty Estates Team have liaised with the schools and agreed further estates updates that will be delivered in 2024 and beyond.
- View the above details.
- Rutherford building is due to commence construction in March 2024. Plans and designs have been developed with the Geography Department, which will move into the building in 2026.