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Spotlight On…Jess Gifkins

(2 November 2017)

You’ve recently joined The University of Manchester. Please can you tell us a little about your role and why you wanted to work here at Manchester? 

I joined the Politics department in September. My research looks at how states interact with each other in international forums like the United Nations. I am also Pathway Director for the Masters in International Relations and the Masters in Human Rights. The Politics department has some real strengths in international relations and international security and a strong research culture. I also hope to meet other researchers across the Faculty whose research connects to the United Nations – feel free to send me an email!

You’ve just found out that one of your articles was awarded ‘Best Article of 2017’ in the European Journal of International Relations. What’s the most exciting thing about gaining such recognition?

It was a lovely surprise! The article was a collaborative project, and I am developing a new project with the same collaborator, so it’s great to see that our last project was so well received. It also speaks to the interest within the discipline on ‘practices’ in international politics, which is an interesting and emerging part of the discipline. 

What are you most looking forward to in your role over the next six months?

I’m currently working on a monograph on how decisions on Darfur were reached in the United Nations Security Council, and the way conceptions of legitimacy shaped the process of decision-making. I’m enjoying the project, but also look forward to having a completed draft! Connected to this, I’m also developing a new Masters module for next term on ‘the United Nations and International Security’ which I look forward to teaching. 

If you could go anywhere on holiday, money no object, where would you go and why?

I’m from Australia, and my favourite holidays are visiting Australia to spend time with family and friends and to catch up on some sunshine.