Faculty-specific guidance on returning to campus
Guidance and resources for Humanities staff and managers.
- Our 'assessment commitments' 2021-22
- Collect free COVID-19 rapid lateral flow tests on campus
- Returning to campus: setting up your IT equipment
- New briefing session: how to hold effective hybrid meetings
- Delay to car parking pay as you go scheme
- Keeping everyone safe on campus - message from Nalin Thakkar
- Viewpoint: Patrick Hackett
- Message from Hannah Rundle
- WATCH: Our video on reducing COVID-19 transmission risk
- Delay to car parking pay as you go scheme
- Introducing hybrid working in the School of Arts Languages and Culture
- Furlough leave ends on 30 September
- Update on welcome Message from April McMahon
- Collect free COVID-19 rapid lateral flow tests on campus
- Walk-up IT support available
- Travelling to campus: flexible public transport options
- COVID-19 vaccination clinics across Manchester
- Message from Keith Brown and Fiona Smyth
- Managed return of staff to campus from 1 September
- Changes to car parking permits and systems from 1 October 2021
- Government move to lift restrictions, 19 July: University operations next steps
- Updated FAQs - COVID-19 self-isolation
- Walk-in COVID vaccination clinics across Manchester
- Updated collection points for free rapid lateral flow COVID-19 tests
- Travel to work
- Walk-up IT support available
- Our 'assessment commitments' 2021-22
- Collect free COVID-19 rapid lateral flow tests on campus
- Returning to campus: setting up your IT equipment
- New briefing session: how to hold effective hybrid meetings
- Delay to car parking pay as you go scheme
Teaching staff
- Keeping everyone safe on campus (23 Sep 2021)
- Supporting remote learners in PC clusters (21 Sep 2021)
- Message from Keith Brown and Fiona Smyth to academic staff (20 Sep 2021)
- Teaching and learning in the new academic year (17 Sep 2021)
- Humanities advice and guidance on dual teaching
- Dual teaching – information and training dates available