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Humanities eNews

Read the latest version of eNews

Guidelines for contributing to Humanities eNews

Humanities eNews incorporates updates and developments from across the Faculty of Humanities, including key developments and messages from the Dean, in one single easy-to-access place.

It aims to:

  • provide you with a simple route for highlighting news and information from your department or school to the rest of the Faculty;
  • keep you up to date with strategic developments and other activities in the Faculty;
  • help improve communication and information sharing across the Faculty. 

Humanities eNews is sent out fortnightly on Fridays, apart from around holiday periods. For example, the Easter edition will be sent on the Thursday before Good Friday, and publication days may vary around the Christmas break. All stories sent up to the day before publication will be considered. Those selected will be added to the Recent News web page as soon as possible, and a summary included in the weekly eNews on the Friday.  

Please read the submission guidelines before submitting your story.

If you have any further queries that are not answered in the guidelines then please get in touch with us: