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Humanities Hybrid Working Overview

Hybrid working across the Professional Services is being trialled between June 2021 and August 2022. During this period, the Working Smarter, Living Better University project board will be assessing, refining and co-developing our approach to hybrid working taking into account feedback from colleagues.

So that we can introduce new ways of working within the Faculty that align with initiatives across the University, we have created the Hybrid Working Working Group. This group will oversee Hybrid Working activity and work with managers to implement, embed and track the progress of the pilot.

We encourage colleagues to engage with the Hybrid Working pilot and share their thoughts, ideas, comments and concerns with their line manager or a member of the Working Group

You can keep up to date on the Working Group’s activity below.

Hybrid Working Working Group Terms of Reference

Vision: The University of Manchester is introducing and embedding new ways of working post COVID-19 that allows staff to work more flexibly in a way that benefits them and the Faculty, and we wish to align the Faculty practices with these initiatives and build on the principles and new approaches to working. 

Scope: The Working Group will actively ensure that the Faculty of Humanities delivery of specific outputs, which contribute to these outcomes and benefits align with the University.  We will seek to oversee delivery, working with line managers to implement, embed and track progress.

Hybrid Working Working Group members

  • Jayne Hindle – Head of School Operations, SALC (Chair)
  • Nichola Ellis – Head of Planning, Compliance and Governance (Deputy Chair)
  • Stephanie Beck- Executive Assistant, TLSE
  • Monique Brown - Faculty PGR Services Manager
  • Elaine Edwards – Research Strategy Manager
  • Chris Garnett – Head of Postgraduate Careers and Employability, AMBS
  • Kim Hunter – School Operations Manager, SALC
  • Jo Kaiserman - Head of Teaching, Learning and Student Experience, SoSS/ Laura Ingleby - Deputy Head of Teaching, Learning and Student Experience, SEED
  • Jenny Knights, HR Partner, SoSS
  • Lizzy Langton - Head of School Finance, SEED & SoSS
  • Jonathan Lillie - Senior Technical Operations Manager, SEED
  • Tim McKenzie, Senior Faculty Estates Operations Officer
  • Karen O’Rourke – Communications and Engagement Officer/ Kathryn Howard – Content and Communications Manager, AMBS
  • Edita Pymm - Admissions Officer, TLSE (SEED)
  • Nia Watkin-Jones – MBA Assistant Director, AMBS
  • Hannah James – Executive Officer (Secretary)

Other staff members will be invited as required for specialist advice.

Hybrid Working Working Group role and responsibilities

  1. To identify and agree the scope of the project to develop a blended/hybrid way of working across the Faculty to align with the UoM Hybrid Working Group principles.
  2. To actively engage with relevant and key stakeholders in the Faculty to ensure full consultation and input as appropriate – to include sharing proposals and providing regular updates.
  3. Working with the Faculty Comms and Engagement team to lead on communications and engagement with colleagues in this area.
  4. To implement and develop a consistent approach to the principles to guide managers and staff to effectively and successfully introduce blended/hybrid working.
  5. To establish FoH norms and guidance on protocols e.g. core hours, protocols for meetings – to align with principles document and FoH business needs.
  6. To ensure colleagues in FoH follow the established road map for the roll out of blended/hybrid working.
  7. To ensure, as part of these new initiatives, we embrace and implement the wellbeing plan for managers and staff – and follow HR policy and practices, and where appropriate consider special needs of individuals.
  8. To work together to ensure engagement with leadership and management training to equip managers with the skills to manage their staff in a blended/hybrid model.
  9. To ensure, where possible, in line with Health and Safety and compliance guidance, colleagues have the required technology/equipment/training required to support blended/hybrid working.
  10. To monitor the FoH progress against the University agreed project plan.
  11. To provide updates and periodic reports to PSLT, DoFO and FLT on progress, issues and risks.

Hybrid Working Working Group Meetings and minutes

Here are the dates of all planned working Group meetings. Minutes and further meeting dates will be added as soon as they are available.

29 April  
13 May
20 May
10 June
24 June
8 July
22 July

Flexible Working Champions

  • Philippa Walker, SoSS
  • Marta Fole, Humanities Research Support Services, SoSS
  • Jen Howarth, SALC
  • Sonja Bernhard, TLSE (Admissions)
  • Kim Hunter, SALC
  • Steph Beck, Faculty of Humanities Administration
  • Lauren Hodgson, PS, AMBS
  • Monique Brown, Faculty PGR  
  • Sarah Tiffany-Dodman, SoSS
  • Nia Watkin Jones, AMBS