Governance at the Faculty of Humanities
The Faculty is governed through a combination of formal committees and sub-groups which ensure that we fulfil our strategic objectives and are compliant with external requirements. We also have a number of networks and groups set up to share best practice and facilitate communication.
You can see more about the Faculty’s Governance and management structure here:
University Senate
The Senate plays a key role in the governance of The University of Manchester. Subject to the authority of the Board, it acts as the University’s principal academic authority. It is responsible to the Board of Governors for the promotion of research, the regulation and monitoring of standards in teaching, and the regulation of discipline of students of the University.
Find out more about the University Senate, its remit and membership.
Faculty Committee
The Faculty Committee was established in 2020 as an opportunity for the academic, professional services, and students to engage with Faculty leadership, especially in respect of key strategic, policy and resourcing issues. The group is chaired by the Vice-President and Dean of Humanities, Fiona Devine.
Anyone can nominate items for discussion at the Faculty Committee, and you can read more about how to do this, current membership, or how to become a member of the Faculty Committee.
School Boards
School Boards ensure all staff have a voice in the governance of their areas within The University of Manchester.
They offer a forum for permanent staff to play a major role in the School’s executive management and strategic development.
You can read more about School Boards on the University website.
Alliance Manchester Business School (AMBS)
- Chair - Prof Naomi Chambers
- Support contact - Michelle Kipling
School of Arts, Languages and Cultures (SALC)
- Chair - Dr Anna Strowe
- Support contact - Stephanie Holmes
School of Environment, Education and Development (SEED)
- Chair - Dr Miriam Firth
- Support contact - Ceri Roberts
School of Social Sciences (SoSS)
- Chair - Prof Carolyn Abbot
- Support contact - Clare Hunt
Guidance has been developed to support School Board chairs and School Board secretaries in the effective and efficient management of School Boards,
Faculty meetings, committees and networks
The Faculty of Humanities is governed through a combination of formal committees which ensure that we fulfil our strategic objectives.
We also have several informal networks and groups set up to share best practices and facilitate communication.
You can learn more about these groups and committees, including dates of meetings and membership by going to committees and networks.
Governance Handbook
The Governance Handbook is a helpful resource that provides guidelines, principles and recommended templates to support the operation of formal committees and groups across the University. The templates for agendas, reports, minutes and actions have been designed for ease of use, and – depending on local context and requirements – may be adapted according to a committee’s needs. The Handbook may also be used by staff supporting working groups, task and finish groups, and other informal groups.