Terms of Reference and Membership
Terms of Reference
The University Executive (UE) is the University’s operational executive body. Within the parameters set by the University Strategy approved by the Board of Governors and the University’s statutory framework and delegation scheme, it is responsible for:
1) the leadership and management of the University’s core academic enterprise of teaching and learning, research and innovation, and social responsibility, and the faculties and professional services that deliver this mission;
2) development and approval (or where specifically required, recommendation to the Board of Governors or Senate for approval), oversight and performance monitoring of KPIs (and reporting to the Board of Governors) of:
a) institutional-level policies and strategies
b) major strategic initiatives and strategic change, strategic planning, governance matters, the University’s budget and financial strategy
c) terms and conditions of employment for all University staff
3) leadership and management of:
a) strategic and operational risks, including risk appetite
b) the prioritisation and allocation of resources, including having responsibility for cost control and financial sustainability
c) the University estate
d) Health and Safety
e) Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
f) Environmental Sustainability
g) People
4) monitoring and review of the external legal, regulatory and strategic environment, including changes to government policy and sector developments, and to identify and act on their implications for the University;
5) on a quarterly basis, review business across the University strategy core goals in the form of full day, strategic review meetings.
The University Executive shall be accountable for its decisions through the President and Vice-Chancellor to the Board of Governors.
The UMSU Union Affairs Officer and a member of Senate (elected by Senate) will join the University Executive as members for quarterly strategic review meetings