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Register of Interests

An important and hugely valued part of the University’s work and mission is to build strong personal relationships and networks at a regional, national and global level.  This important both for our research activities and our social responsibility goals.  The University is keen to encourage staff to engage in appropriate external work and connections.

However, there also needs to be clear transparency about these connections to ensure that any conflicts of interest are declared. 

It is also a requirement under University Ordinance VIII and the Financial Regulations, that all University Staff on Grade 6 or above must declare any personal interests that might be reasonably deemed to compromise impartiality, conflict with duty as an employee or potentially result in a conflict of interests leading to private benefit. Those at other grades may also need to submit a declaration dependent on their role.

All Grade 6+ staff must complete an annual return and update it if their circumstances change. Staff with no interests to declare must submit a ‘nil’ return. 

A new online Register of Interests system will be launched in March 2025 as part of the SharePoint Migration Project. Further information will be available shortly.

A short video is provided below for guidance on how to use the new system.

 Any queries can be directed to