Approval Process
The Key Travel System uses the Oracle Financials approver for the individual activity code used when submitting a booking.
In addition to this, there is also a backup approver assigned to each Department (activity codes are assigned to faculty/school and department) to cover instances where the primary approver is unable to review and/or approve in time.
The system workflow for approvals is shown below:-
For example, if a booker books a flight and sets the approval deadline to 10 Days:
Day 1 - 6 (Primary Approver)
An Approval Request email will be sent to the Primary Approver as soon as the booking is submitted and remain with this person for 6 Days (60% of the approval deadline time)
Day 7 - 8 (Back-up Approver)
If this is not actioned within the first 6 Days, an additional approval request will be sent to the Back-Up approver and remain with this person for 2 Days (20% of the approval deadline time)
Day 9 - 10 (Travel Helpdesk)
If neither of the above action the approval request within the combined time (8 days in this example), a final approval request will be sent to the Travel Helpdesk and remain with them for the final 2 days (final 20% of the approval deadline time).
The Travel Helpdesk will endeavour to contact the Primary Approver and Backup Approver, or an alternative appropriate approver to review the booking and action.
Approvers and Vacation
The Key Travel system does not have vacation rules embedded.
To assist the process Oracle approvers are required to set up vacation rules in Oracle and also make clear on the Outlook out of office who is acting as their back-up.
Any back-up approvers are requested to email the and offer an alternative name if possible to cover for their leave and the duration for which this is to be in place.
Approval Timelines
Flight booking deadlines are dictated by the airlines. Bookers are able to move these times forward whilst in the booking process.
Hotel and rail approvals are usually same day.
Price Variation
Instant bookings such as budget airlines and hotels do not hold the price whilst awaiting approval, hence approval windows for these will be short. A tolerance is in place to permit small variations in prices on these bookings.