Gift Voucher Purchases
Requests for vouchers can be submitted by completing the relevant form and send to vouchers@manchester.ac.uk.
Below are the key guidance notes:
- Vouchers can be purchased for - Thankyou Scheme, Long-Service Awards, Prizes, Research Participations & Public contributors.
- Electronic vouchers (EV) are the preferred option, but physical vouchers can be ordered if EV vouchers are not practical for the recipient's circumstances.
- Voucher choice is between the four options below:
- Love 2 Shop UK (which covers a wide group of high street retailers)*
- Love 2 Shop International **
- Amazon
- Blackwell's/National Book tokens
*The list of retailers for Love2Shop can vary as they regularly add and remove retailers. For further details of participating retailers for a general voucher or specific retailer e.g. Asda Please check the Love2Shop Where to Spend webpage or contact the voucher team (vouchers@manchester.ac.uk)
**Not all countries allow for Love2Shop International to be redeemed. Please contact vouchers@manchester.ac.uk before placing an order to check the recipients country/location is available.
- The minimum denomination of a voucher that can be ordered is £10.
- Electronic vouchers will be emailed direct to the recipient’s email account by the voucher team. If the recipient is a member of staff/student then please quote their UoM email ending @manchester.ac.uk. Personalised email messages can be included in the form.
- There are separate request forms for physical or evouchers. Requesters need to ensure the correct forms are completed in full with accompanying email approval and then sent to the voucher team for processing.
- The forms need email approval from the Budget Holder. If the total spend is over £5,000 then additional approval is required from Authorised Signature. If the budget holder is absent, then an Authorised Signature is required. A signatory listing tool can be found on the request forms. Online Checker.
- There is a supplier transaction fee of 1.5% on all orders and additional fixed delivery charge of £9 for physical cards.
- Physical vouchers must be stored securely. Orders over £1000 must be stored in a safe to be compliant with the UoM insurance terms as they are equivalent to cash.
- Vouchers have an expiry date.
- Recipients of physical vouchers must sign a receipt to evidence it being issued and retained by the co-ordinator in the event of an audit.
- Queries on how to use L2S vouchers. Link to Frequently asked questions Love2shop Rewards