If you would like to find out more about Religion or belief (including no belief) or are seeking more background information to support a colleague or student our list of resources (which will expand over time) may be of help.
The University Library also provides access to hundreds of resources, digitally and in print, across a wide variety of topics
If you have any feedback on the following information, please get in touch.
The Multi-Faith Chaplaincy team at the University welcome people of all faiths and those with none. The team offers pastoral spiritual, and religious care and religious guidance to staff, students and on occasion their families or guardians.
Staff network groups are a fantastic way to network with people from all over the University. Many of the groups also offer confidential support and advisory services from their members to any member of staff.
Policies and guidance
We have a number of policies and guidance documents available to support equity:
- Religious observation policy (staff);
- Religious observation policy (students);
- Prayer facilities on campus;
- Prayer room, Manchester Museum;
- Ramadan Guidance to support employees and students;
- Inclusive language;
- Inclusive celebrations;
- Overseas travel guidance for staff and students with protected characteristics.
Diversity in the Workplace is an online module that intends to support staff to become familiar with equalities legislation and looks in detail at all equality groups.
We have a number of resources available that have been developed at the University to support equity.
Ahmed Iqbal Ullah RACE Archive is a specialist library focusing on the study of race, migration and thinking about race; anti-racist activism and the fight for social justice.
External resources
Sometimes staff feel more comfortable talking to someone outside of the organisation. There are a number of well-known external resources which may be useful*.
If you would like to add another resource, or spot one that no longer works here, please contact us.
*The University of Manchester cannot be held responsible for the content of external websites.
Greater Manchester Combined Authority Faith and Belief Advisory Panels
The Greater Manchester Equality Panels have been established to advise, support and challenge Greater Manchester’s political leaders and policy-makers to tackle the discrimination and disadvantage that cause injustice and inequality in society, and champion Greater Manchester as an inclusive city-region.
Manchester Jewish Museum
Manchester Jewish Museum is a place to experience how we are different, together. The museum holds over 31,000 items in their collection, documenting the story of Jewish migration and settlement in Manchester.
British Muslim Heritage Centre
The British Muslim Heritage Centre aims to establish a unique initiative that allows communities of different backgrounds to come together, understand and collaborate with one another.
National Sikh Heritage Centre and Holocaust Museum
The National Sikh Heritage Centre and Holocaust Museum allows the visitor to appreciate the rich and complex heritage of the Sikhs in a story of courage, sacrifice and bloody genocide.
Humanists UK
Humanists UK brings non-religious people together to develop their own views and an understanding of the world around them.
National Hindu Council UK
The National Council of Kerala Hindu Heritage is an educational and advocacy organisation that focuses on educating the public about Hindus and Hinduism and advocating for policies and practices that ensure the wellbeing of all people and the planet.