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Staff network groups are a fantastic way to network with people from all over the University. 

Please see below for a list of all our current staff network groups.

Peer support

1st Gen Network

The 1st Gen network is open to all staff who regard themselves as the first in their family, to attend university.  The group is in its infancy as a formal staff network, although core members have been meeting since 2023.  During this time discussions have included the 'class ceiling', imposter syndrome, access to 'insider' networks, perceived cultural barriers, material financial constraints, hidden campus 'codes', and many other issues that disproportionately affect 1st Gen university staff.

Now an official network, our next step is to agree a plan for offering collegiality and practical career guidance to 1st Gen UoM staff while seeking ways to influence institutional behaviours, where appropriate. We are keen that the group is inclusive (i.e. open to both academic and PS staff); that we reach out to 1st Gen students in due course (with a view to sharing our experiences with them), and that we support each other as we reflect on our own personal and professional journeys.

If you would like to join the Microsoft Teams space and mailing list, please email

HIV Network

Join the HIV Network for support and advice, for those living with HIV or have somebody close to them with HIV. 

Microsoft Teams Space

Inclusive Alliance Network

The Inclusive Alliance Network (IAN) is a new peer support initiative for supervisors and line managers at the University of Manchester, aimed at improving support for disabled staff and PGRs.

Founded by Dr Konstantina Drosou (Lecturer in Biomedical Egyptology) and Laura Howard (PhD candidate, and Disabled Staff Network Co-Chair), the network provides a space to share best practices, access training and resources, and discuss challenges in an open and supportive environment.

Key resources available in the IAN Teams space include:
 - A podcast featuring key university leaders discussing inclusive supervision
 - A leaflet outlining support available for disabled PGRs
 - Training materials on the lived experiences of disabled staff and students
 - Survey findings on the biggest barriers faced by disabled colleagues

IAN is a collaborative space—members are encouraged to share experiences, advice, and resources to foster a more inclusive and supportive university environment.

Join the conversation: UOM-EDI-Inclusive-Alliance-Network | General | Microsoft Teams

Menopause support

The Menopause support group is open to all members of staff who are:

  • going through (or have gone through) the menopause naturally or prematurely due to surgery or cancer treatment.
  • interested in the menopause and wanting to be able to be more supportive.
  • going through any other type of significant hormonal change.


Plans are currently in place for the Menopause support group to meet about twice a year (around International Women’s Day in March and International Menopause Day in October) as well as a number of other informal get-togethers.  

Further information

Join the Menopause Support Group’s Yammer to communicate with other members and share articles, stories, or your own experiences in a confidential space.

University resources


The Parents and Carers peer support group offers staff who have caring responsibilities for children the opportunity to get together and share their experiences. This includes colleagues in same-sex relationships, couples who may have used a surrogate, and foster parents.


The group aims to meet regulalry in person and sometimes on line with specialist guests throughout the year. Babies and children are very welcome.

The next meetings will take place 12.30-13.30 on the following dates:

  • Thursday 23 May Benugo café - Simon Building
  • Wednesday 26 June - 1.003 Roscoe
  • Thursday 18 July - 5.207 University Place

Further information

If you are interested in joining the Parent & Carers peer support group, please email

Or you can request to join the Teams site via this link.

University resources

People impacted by cancer

The People impacted by cancer peer support group is open to anybody at the University and aims to support anyone who has been impacted by cancer - as a sufferer, as a carer, or simply as a friend.

The group brings together people in a safe and supportive environment to discuss and share experiences as well as signpost people to internal and external support.

Further information

For more information, contact

University resources

Stress at work

The Stress at work staff network group is an online group that provides an opportunity for staff to talk openly about stressful circumstances they are experiencing in an environment of mutual support and understanding.

The group is aimed at people who feel like they could benefit from talking about their difficulties with colleagues, and who are willing to offer their support to colleagues who are experiencing stress-related difficulties.

There is no stipulation regarding the source of stress for participants, and it is essential to the working of the group that individuals feel that no issue is too trivial or unworthy to bring up for discussion. The ethos of the group is not to present prescriptive solutions to problems, but to provide an environment in which it is beneficial to draw on collective experience and understanding.


The group meets once per month and the running of the group is supported by the Counselling and Mental Health Service. Routes for seeking individual support will be highlighted in the group as appropriate.

  • Tuesday, 18 April 2023 – 1pm-2pm, Whitworth Hall Committee Room B
  • Tuesday, 20 June 2023 – 1pm-2pm, Whitworth Hall Committee Room B

Staff with caring responsibilities

The staff with caring responsibilities staff network group aims to support members of staff who have caring responsibilities and provide a way to share experiences and help each other with the scenarios that arise out of being a carer.


The group comes together during Carers Week in June to support activities on campus.

Further information

If you are interested in joining the Staff with Caring Responsibilities Peer Support Group, please email

University resources

Interest groups


The Catholic chaplaincy staff network is led by Manchester Universities Catholic Chaplaincy (MUSCC) and offer a lively community, based at the heart of Oxford Road, for all University of Manchester, Manchester Metropolitan University and Royal Northern College of Music students and staff.


Staff are welcome to join the following regular events:

  • Mondays at 1.30pm – Litter Picking in Whitworth Park;
  • Tuesdays at 6.30pm – The Tuesday Talk (a weekly talk from an invited speaker on a theme of faith);
  • Wednesdays at 6.00pm – Rosary Group;
  • Thursdays at 7.00pm on Zoom – Reading Group;
  • Fridays 1.10pm on Zoom – Bible Study;
  • The first Friday of the month during term time - Nightfever at the Holy Name Church, Oxford road.

Further Information

The weekly chaplaincy newsletter details other activities and also when term time services begin/end.

The Manchester Universities Catholic Chaplaincy (MUSCC) is based in Avila House, Oxford Road (opposite the Students' Union), M13 9PG.


The Christian staff network, also known as the Manchester Universities' Staff and Postgraduate Christian Fellowship (the Fellowship, for short) is a staff Christian group drawn from The University of Manchester, Manchester Metropolitan University and the Royal Northern College of Music.

The Fellowship is the successor of a group of Christian academic staff, which was founded in 1981 at The University of Manchester and is now open to all Christian staff and postgraduate students from the above institutions.  

The aim of the Fellowship is to enable Christians to meet together for prayer, mutual support and discussion.


The Fellowship meets once a fortnight via Zoom. The meetings are very informal. 

Meetings are usually, 1.00pm – 1.30pm, alternating between a Wednesday and a Thursday. 

During each meeting the group enjoy a confidential catch-up on how people are doing at work, at home and at church, followed by a 10 minute prayer. 

Further Information

To subscribe to the Fellowship mailing list and for more information about meetings please contact:


The International staff network is aimed at overseas staff and postgraduate students at the University.

The network also includes the informal International Buddying Programme. The programme uses partners new international staff with existing members of staff and network members from the same country.  The idea is that they can help share information before the move to Manchester and once the new staff member is at the University.

Further information

To join the International staff network mailing list or for more information about the informal International Buddying Programme please email

University resources


The Muslim staff network is active across the University of Manchester, as well as in partnership with Manchester Metropolitan University and the Royal Northern College of Music.

The aim of the Muslim staff network is to be:

  • an independent, reliable and welcoming point of contact for queries, concerns and referrals by and about Muslims in Higher Education, with supported access for students and staff, their friends, family, professionals and the institutions themselves,
  • to be fully inclusive, Pan-Islamic support to staff and students from the widest spectrum of Islamic communities, whether traditional or modern, fundamentalist or secular, practicing or non – practicing. 
  • to be a safe, supportive, non – judgemental, Islamic space which was fully confidential and free from sectarianism and other divisive behaviours.

Meetings and Events

The Muslim staff network have several meet-ups throughout the year which are detailed below:

19 February 2025: Network Meeting - 12-1:30pm Manchester China Institute, 178 Waterloo Place 

2 April 2025: Eid ul Fitr celebration - 12.30-2pm Knowles Committee Room, Whitworth Hall

11 June 2025: Eid ul Adha celebration - 12.30-2pm Knowles Committee Room, Whitworth Hall

If you are interested in running events with the Muslim staff network please email Mohammed Ullah.

Further Information

If you would like to join the confidential LISTSERV, please email

University resources


This group brings Dharmic cultures and philosophies (including but not limited to Buddhists, Hindus, Jains and Sikhs) together under an umbrella staff group. 

Contact email:

The group have a Microsoft Teams space which you can request to join by messaging

Quakers & Seekers

Open to all staff seeking to explore alternatives to mainstream Christianity.

The Quakers and Seekers Staff Network Group is for anyone who’s interested in exploring the spiritual aspects of life, and the mystical or ‘wisdom’ traditions, from a perspective that may be broadly Christian, Buddhist, Sufi, or something related.


  • Create a safe space for people to ask questions about faith and doubt
  • Read, share, and learn from significant texts, such as ‘Advices & Queries’
  • Learn about spiritual practices: Quaker ‘testimonies’ and the ‘Experiment with Light’ are just possible starting points!

Get involved

Join Quakers and Seekers on Teams to connect with others who like asking questions, and let’s make something happen.


The Vegan staff network welcomes anyone interested in helping improve the lives of animals. Veganism is not just a diet, it is an ethical approach to life that informs every decision.

The network is a place for discussion and initiatives around FoodOnCampus, introducing a Vegan-Friendly pension option, improving University curricula, and other ways to advance an intersectional agenda that includes veganism at its heart.

Join the Vegan Network

To keep informed about activities and meetings you can join the network Microsoft Teams Space by emailing


The Climate staff network is a friendly grouping of staff and students who are passionate about limiting (and potentially even reversing) the damaging effects of man-made climate change, both in a local and global sense. 

The network's goal is to inspire awareness of this topic and to help create an inclusive discourse around existing work occurring across both the University and the surrounding Greater Manchester region.  

The group would also like to highlight and discuss the concerns of students, supporting them in their aspirations relating to climate change awareness and actions.


The Climate staff network hosts regular lunchtime seminars at which guest speakers discuss a variety of topics related to climate change and sustainability. Previous talks have focussed on sustainable fashion, eco-anxiety, food waste, and effective climate change communication.

These seminars and any other relevant climate change events are advertised in a weekly newsletter via Listserv. 

Further Information

Faculty and role specific

Executive and Personal Assistant

The Executive assistant (EA) and Personal assistant (PA) staff network brings together all Professional services EAs, PAs, Secretaries and Administrators who have a supporting role working with an academic or executive.

The network aims to be a cohesive EA/PA community where colleagues can meet people they only talk to on the phone.

The network focuses on:

  • Improving interpersonal skills and networking;
  • Sharing ideas and problem solving;
  • Building confidence;
  • Sharing new role opportunities – event management, venue finding (by assisting the Network Committee);
  • PA-specific continuous professional development.

Further Information

If you are interested in joining the EA/PA staff network, please email

Technical Excellence at Manchester

The Technical Excellence at Manchester (TEaM) staff network welcomes any member of staff who considers themselves technical to attend quarterly coffee and talk events. The ultimate idea being that there will be local representatives who attend the meetings and can disseminate information at a local level.  

The aim of TeAM is to raise the profile of technical staff, recognise their contribution to the University, and empower them to develop their careers.

Further information

If you are interested in joining the TeAM staff network, please email 

Women in Biology, Medicine and Health

The Women in Biology, Medicine and Health (WiBMH) staff network is a developing network for all female academic and research staff, administrative staff and students within the Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health (FBMH).

The network is dedicated to providing positive support for women in FBMH and aims to encourage women throughout their career in Manchester, with the aim of increasing recruitment, retention and progression. Achieving this is part of a joint effort between WiBMH, employers, mentors and individuals.

Further Information

If you are interested in joining WiBMH, please contact

Women in cancer

The Women in cancer staff network was launched in 2017 and is a supportive network to connect women working in all aspects of cancer research across the University, including the Christie Hospital and Cancer Research UK Manchester Institute.

The network aims to integrate students, researchers, academic and clinical staff to provide a positive and welcoming alliance.

Further information

If you are interested in joining the Women in cancer staff network, please email

The best way to keep up to date with the network is via Twitter, @WiCN_Manchester.

Women in environmental sciences

The Women in Environmental Sciences (WiES) staff network group was inaugurated following a workshop held on Wednesday, 13 June, 2018 at the Roscoe Building. The group welcomes female academics, early career researchers, undergraduate students, postgraduate students, and women with a general interest in the environment particularly welcome.

The group has a particular focus on key environmental issues, knowledge exchange and transfer and questions linked to the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals, in particular goal five, which aims for gender equality and empowerment for all women and girls. 

The group aims to:

  • promote interdisciplinary environmental sciences between academics and non-academics.;
  • provide a forum to talk about issues that affect and appeal to women in the field of  environmental sciences;
  • share experiences of female leaders (from within and outside academia) who work in the   field; 
  • provide hands-on activities in a wide range of environmental sciences;
  • provide a platform for career mentoring, leadership and development;
  • promote networking opportunities for women;
  • inspire and motivate women to take on leadership roles in environmental sciences.


Celebrating International Women's Day/Month

The Women in Environmental Sciences (WiES) celebrate the International Women's month through a collection of videos and research with this year's theme ‘Inspire Inclusion’.

We invite you to access our various resources here We hope you find them inciteful and, if you find any of our work of interest, please cite and share


Best wishes,     


Chair WiES 


Further information

If you would like to join the WiES, please follow this link for contact information.