Specialist Health and Safety Responsibilities
Different roles carry different responsibilities in respect of Health and Safety, details of those with a specialist health and safety component are provided here.
Division Safety Advisers
Safety Advisers (SA’s) assist in the creation, development, implementation, monitoring and review of local arrangements for safe working. SA’s are responsible to the Senior Manager, who cannot abdicate responsibility, and provide information, advice and guidance to managers.
They will:
- Take an active role in their local Health and Safety Committee (or equivalent).
- Communicate Health and Safety information to staff within their area of work.
- Encourage timely reporting of accidents.
- Assist with the investigation of accidents and near misses.
- Assist with the induction process.
- Assist (alongside other staff) with audits and inspections and the implementation of action plans.
- Advise on local procedures, including any changes to processes.
- Work closely with their manager in relation to Health and Safety matters.
- Make recommendations to managers in relation to continual Health and Safety improvement.
- Be provided with all necessary resources to allow them to undertake their Health and Safety role.
- Attend appropriate training as outlined in the Division Training Matrix.
- Inform the DSE Health and Safety Officer of any special or new hazards to the workplace.
- Escalate to their Line Manager/Supervisor any concerns or non-compliance identified.
Display Screen Equipment Assessors
Senior Managers must ensure that each Display Screen Equipment (DSE) user within their area of responsibility is identified, given information on the health risks associated with such work, and provided with the means to carry out a self-assessment.
They must also ensure that steps are taken to address any risks identified in the assessment.
DSE Assessors will:
- Receive appropriate information, instruction and training (Staff Learning & Development THS17).
- Provide information and guidance on setting up a workstation.
- Provide information on vision screening and what to do when experiencing visual problems.
- Receive and review the results of workstation self-assessments.
- Where appropriate identify any remedial measures that may be required.
- Liaise with Line Managers and Supervisors to ensure that remedial work is carried out where deemed necessary.
- Carry out DSE assessments where individuals are unable to complete a self-assessment.
- Escalate to their Line Manager/Supervisor any concerns or non-compliance identified.
Evacuation Marshalls
Fire Evacuation Marshals (FEMs) are not expected to put themselves at risk. Their role is to ensure the evacuation proceeds smoothly and quickly, that all persons are responding to the alarm, and that spread of fire (and especially smoke) is hampered by closing fire doors.
FEMs will:
- Receive appropriate information, instruction and training (Staff Learning & Development THS47).
- Ensure that all people are evacuating the area for which they are responsible.
- Urge people to leave their rooms without delay.
- Check toilets, locked doors and inner rooms where people may be alone.
- Report any person at a refuge point to security staff and assist with their evacuation if trained to do so.
- Keep people moving, encouraging them to leave by the quickest and nearest route.
- Ensure exit routes do not become blocked by people congregating at exits.
- Encourage people to move to the assembly points.
- Report casualties to the emergency services.
- Comply with the specific arrangements agreed for their building, and in particular stand by the exit they have been assigned to and instruct people not to enter or re-enter until the all-clear is given by the Fire & Rescue Service or University Fire Safety Officer or Security. (Silencing of the fire alarm is NOT the signal to re-enter.)
- At any time report defects or problems with the fire safety arrangements to the local safety advisor, safety office or Estates & Facilities Helpdesk.
- Escalate to their Line Manager/Supervisor any concerns or non-compliance identified.
FEMs are not expected to:
- Carry out a rescue in a fire zone.
- Stay and tackle the fire.
First Aiders
Senior Managers are responsible for carrying out an assessment of the first aid needs within their area and implementing and monitoring the findings.
Identified First Aiders will:
- Undertake suitable training before taking up their First Aid duties.
- Ensure their First Aid certificate is valid and in date, and liaise with the first aid co-ordinator to achieve this.
- Complete a First Aid Report Form and forward to the first aid co-ordinator, who will undertake any follow up action as required.
- If the incident is an accident, direct the injured person or their Line Manager to complete an accident report form.
- Affix and update First Aid notices in areas delegated to them by the first aid co-ordinator.
- Maintain and practise their skills (eg through updates from the first aid co-ordinator, relevant IT and media resources).
- Respond to any call for First Aid at any reasonable time and as far as they reasonably can within their designated area at work.
- Keep additional records for reporting to their Division Health and Safety Committee (or equivalent) as required locally.
- Keep First Aid boxes fully stocked and replenish after use, or delegate this task to nominated local staff.
- Escalate to their Line Manager/Supervisor any concerns or non-compliance identified.
Health, Safety and Compliance Officer
While the Director for the Student Experience Simon Merrywest has overall responsibility for Health and Safety. He is supported by the Health and Safety Officer, who will:
- Arrange for periodic targeted independent audit of Health and Safety performance and management within the Directorate.
- Liaise with the Directorate Senior Executive Team to ensure that training needs identified in relation to Health and Safety are delivered.
- Ensure that Health and Safety information, policies and guidance notes relevant to the Directorate are disseminated to Senior Managers and their Safety Advisers.
- Assist in delivering Health and Safety induction where necessary.
- Strive for continual Health and Safety improvements.
- Instigate accident investigations and assist where necessary.
- Liaise with the University Accommodation Office, Disability Advisory Support Service and ResLife to ensure that Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEP’s) are in place for all those students and staff that require one.
- Provide advice, support and guidance in relation to Health and Safety matters to the Senior Executive Team.
Manual Handling Trainers
Manual Handling Trainers have been identified across the Directorate and will:
- Receive appropriate information, instruction and training (Staff Learning and Development THS 135 and TMS38).
- Deliver manual handling training where required.
- Assist in the production of manual handling risk assessments where necessary.
- Provide advice and guidance on manual handling activities.
- Escalate to their Line Manager/Supervisor any concerns or non-compliance identified.