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Health and Safety Role for all Staff

All members of staff know their own responsibilities for health and safety and who are the key people with responsibilities in their Division.

All Staff

Staff will:

  • Cooperate with management in relation to Health and Safety.
  • Comply with the relevant Health and Safety policies within their area of operation.
  • Report any accidents and near misses to their Line Manager/Supervisor.
  • Report any hazardous situations to their Line Manager/Supervisor.
  • Cooperate with the Performance and Development Review (P&DR) process and assist in identifying Health and Safety training requirements.
  • Attend Health and Safety training that has been identified by their Line Manager/Supervisor.
  • Take reasonable care of themselves and anyone else who may be affected by their actions.
  • Not interfere with anything that is provided for the Health, Safety and Welfare of those within the workplace.
  • Wear personal protective equipment (PPE) when provided.
  • Ensure that they are familiar with the emergency evacuation arrangements for the buildings that they work in.
  • Assess their own workstation (if appropriate).
  • Work in accordance with safe operating methods and procedures.

Leadership Team

Simon Merrywest, has overall responsibility for ensuring the Health, Safety and Welfare of all those affected by the work undertaken in the Directorate for the Student Experience. He delegates this responsibility to Division Heads who then delegate through their direct reports.

It is crucial to understand however that although elements of Health and Safety work can and must be delegated, the manager remains answerable and accountable for those tasks. He or she cannot abdicate responsibility.

Delegation must be accompanied by empowerment to do the work (including the appropriate authority, resource, responsibility, communication to others expected to co-operate with the delegatee). In some cases, training may be required.

The Heads of each Division know their responsibilities for managing health and safety, legal requirements and the risks profile of their Division and how they are controlled.

They will:

  • Implement the Health and Safety Policy within their area and monitor Health and Safety performance.
  • Implement the Health, Safety and Risk Plan for their area of responsibility and appoint persons to deliver the necessary Health and Safety functions.
  • Provide all necessary assistance during the Health and Safety inspection and audit process and use results to develop action plans.
  • Identify any Health and safety training needs within their area of operation and strive for continual Health and Safety improvements through proactive management.

Line Managers and Supervisors

Line Managers and Supervisors know their responsibilities for managing health and safety, understand the risks associated with the work they are responsible for and what they need to do to control them. They know what they need to do to ensure competence and capability of employees under their control and what they need to do to monitor health and safety.

They will:

  • Implement relevant Health and Safety policies and procedures.
  • Ensure that staff are aware of emergency procedures including fire evacuations (routes, tests and assembly points), accident reporting and accessing first aid.
  • Ensure accidents and near misses are reported in a timely manner and investigated accordingly.
  • Ensure that defects to premises, equipment and machinery are reported and follow up action is taken in a timely manner.
  • Liaise with contractors and other third parties to ensure that they are aware of any significant hazards to which they might be exposed.
  • Ensure that adequate first aid arrangements are in place.
  • Ensure that inspections are carried out within the work area.
  • Ensure that risk assessments are carried out for all significant activities within their area of control, and that control measures are implemented.
  • Ensure that where identified by risk assessment, personal protective equipment (PPE) is provided and worn.
  • Ensure that COSHH assessments, Display Screen Equipment assessments and local safety inductions are carried out.
  • Consult and inform staff in relation to hazards and other Health and Safety matters.
  • Identify Health and Safety training requirements through the Performance and Development Review (P&DR) process.


All students who interface with the Division know their own responsibilities for health and safety and who are the key people with responsibilities in the Division.

They will:

  • Attend Health and Safety induction where it is identified as necessary.
  • Cooperate with Health and Safety procedures.
  • Comply with the relevant Health and Safety policies.
  • Report any accidents and near misses.
  • Report any hazardous situations.
  • Take reasonable care of themselves and anyone else who may be affected by their actions.
  • Not interfere with anything that is provided for the Health, Safety and Welfare.
  • Ensure that they are familiar with the emergency evacuation arrangements for the buildings that they use.