The Digital Leadership Team (DLT)
The Digital Leadership Team (DLT) is the key decision-making body overseeing the University’s digital and web activity, process and practice, and derives its authority from the Communications and Marketing Leadership Team (CMLT). It upholds governance and give direction on web and digital marketing issues in support of the work of CMLT and the delivery of the Communications and Marketing Plan.
[under review] The group’s principal objective is to develop and maintain a consistent, professional digital and web presence for the University, which responds to the needs of our range of users while also promoting key messages in line with the University brand. In support of this, DLT will be responsible for shaping digital marketing strategy, agreeing high-level information architecture, reviewing our roster of web agencies and forging strong links between Communications and Marketing and IT Services.
DLT members
DLT consists of PS and Faculty communications and marketing colleagues who have responsibility for the University’s main marketing websites, alongside key colleagues from IT Services.
- Andy Simmons, Director of University Marketing (interim), DCMSR
- Donna Campbell, Digital Communications Manager, Humanities
- Emma Routh, Supporter Journeys Officer, DDAR
- George Jeffries, Team Manager, Digital Delivery and User Experience, IT Services
- Grace Conlon, Head of Internal Communications (Interim), DCMSR
- Jim McDougall, Digital Designer, DCMSR
- John Crowe, Senior Web Developer, DCMSR
- Katie Handley, Digital Marketing Manager, AMBS
- Kirsty Hawksworth, Digital Project Manager, FSE
- Kristian Scott, Digital Communications Developer, University Library
- Lucy Swinden, Web and Digital Content Manager, BMH (chair)
- Milena Cimmarrusti-Davila, Digital Project Manager, DCMSR
- Rebecca Christofides (for Lauren Temple), Web Content and Digital Marketing Manager, FSE
- Steve Devine, Digital Communications Officer, The Manchester Museum
The group will meet every six weeks, or more frequently if required.
Please read full terms of reference.
For more information about the group, contact its secretary Isabella Machin.