Networking and professional development
The Communications and Marketing Leadership Team is keen to bring colleagues together via a programme of in-person networking and professional development events. Please contact your CMLT rep if you have any ideas for future events and particularly if you would like to deliver a session on your area of expertise.
Staff networks
There are a number of professional discipline networks which have been established to support a more coordinated and collaborative approach to our work and these are listed below.
- Join the University Social Media ListServ to receive the monthly content pack and hear about the latest social media updates. Email to be added.
- Research Communications Network: connects and upskills staff working to promote the University's research. The group meets up to 9 times per year to share best practice and identify opportunities (eg events, campaigns, publications etc) for the cross-promotion of research. Coordinated by Lynda McIntosh.
- There is a Student Communications Teams chat. If you’d like to join, email
- There is a dedicated Teams site for those involved in producing University podcasts.