News and Media Relations – what we do
The News and Media Relations team exists to promote the work of our staff and students in the media. Here are some of the ways we can help get your work out to a wider audience:
Press releases: We can put together a press release and distribute it to journalists who may be interested in covering it. All press releases receive final sign-off by the staff member or student. If your story concerns a research paper, please let us have as much notice as possible - press releases issued under embargo ahead of a study being published online achieve much better results. We’ll also report back to you with your media and online coverage.
Our news site: The University’sonline newsroom is visited by more than 800,000 people from outside the University each year. All of our press releases are published on here.
Social media: Our @UoMNews Twitter account has tens of thousands of followers – many of whom are major organisations or prominent figures in their field. We post a range of content here, including links to stories and coverage in the media. We also provide content to the other major University, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter accounts.
Media training: There are a range of media training schemes, competitions and expert databases available to academics and students, delivered in house and by outside bodies.
Write for the Conversation: The University is a member of the Conversation – a news website where articles are written by academics, based on their research. If you have an idea or want to find out more about how to appear on this influential platform, please get in touch.
Stay informed: Almost 800 members of staff receive our daily News Digest – a short round-up of the University in the news and more general coverage of the higher education sector. It’s also the best way to find out about media training sessions and other events held on campus or elsewhere which will be useful to staff. To sign up please email: